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Bruce Bujon edited this page Apr 26, 2024 · 29 revisions

Scroll Up Folder Update

Upcoming version

The next version will change its name! Please take the survey 📝 to tell me which name you want! 🙇


Version 6.1.1

  • Update addon signature according the new Mozilla policies

Version 6.1.0

  • Add parse domain feature (thanks to debuggings)
  • Fix settings loading when no previous value
  • Fix selected item when tab cache is invalidated

Version 6.0.1

  • Fix settings not loaded at startup (thanks to Gregory-K)

Version 6.0.0

This is a new major version. The extension was written from scratch for the version 57 of Firefox and further.
All addons must now use the WebExtensions API only. So some features will be different in this new version:

  • Add a new folder panel,
  • Add new keybord shortcuts:
    • Alt+Shift+Up to navigate to the upper folder,
    • Alt+Up to navigate to the next folder up,
    • Alt+Down to navigate to the next deeper folder,
    • Alt+Shift+Down to navigate to the deepest folder.
  • Add a new option view.

Visit the first run wiki page to discover how to use it.
Please keep in mind some features are still missing (like translations or open in a new tab) and don't post bad review because you miss them. Instead, come discuss about which one you would like to see added next! 👍

Thanks to Gitoffthelawn for motivating me to port this addon.

Version 5.3.0:

  • Fix copied URL when scrolling (thanks to atomGit)

Version 5.2.1:

  • Improve locales and icon packaging for jpm fixes (locale fix and icon fix)
  • Fix typo (thanks to sanspace)

Version 5.2.0:

  • Add Electrolysis (e10s) support

Version 5.1.2:

  • Fix missing add-on icon in add-on manager (thanks to Gitoffthelawn)

Version 5.1.1:

  • Fix experimental JavaScript API use (thanks to AMO reviewer Rob W)

Version 5.1.0:

  • Add support for EcmaScript 6 for Firefox 44
  • Add support for jpm tool
  • Fix case where several popups could be opened at the first launch
  • Fix issue on clicked URL from panel on mouse only mode
  • Improve url computation and selection
  • Add unit tests on path computation
  • Global clean up and code formatting

Version 5.0.1:

  • Fix freeze with FTP protocol (thanks to atomGit)
  • Fix crash on private browsing (thanks to Peuj)
  • Update SR locale (thanks to DakSrbija)
  • Update ES locale (thanks to RigoNet)

Version 5.0.0:

This is a new major version. The extension was fully rewrote for the upcoming versions of Firefox. It should act and behave like the 4.x.x version except it's now restart-less!

  • New add-on implementation based on Jetpack SDK
    • Could be installed or updated without restarting browser
    • No more Firefox version compatibility issue

I spend a lot of time to test this new version. Nevertheless, if you find a bug, please fill an issue. If you would like to add or fix a translation, fell free to fork or open an issue with locales in plain text if you are not comfortable with Github.

Version 4.2.12:

  • Add option to parse URL anchor
  • Fix duplicate French translation

Version 4.2.11:

  • Drop support for older than Firefox 4 versions
  • Update addon hosting to GitHub
  • Fix a Spanish translation

Version 4.2.10:

  • Add electrolysis compatibility
  • Update sv-SE translation (thanks to hiroshi)
  • Update compatibility to Firefox 37
  • Fix menu showing on panel ALT key binding

Version 4.2.9:

  • Add page loading on list item selection for mouse only control mode (thanks to Sam Bo)
  • Add loading URI location according modifier (control for new tab, shift for new window, thanks to atomizer)

Version 4.2.8:

  • Fix path initialization on about: pages

Version 4.2.7:

  • Fix url panel 1px width on Firefox 29

Version 4.2.6:

  • Fix use of nsIPrefBranch2 which becomes deprecated on Gecko 13
  • Update es locale (thanks to RigoNet)
  • Add Firefox 15 nightly compatibility

Version 4.2.5:

  • Stop event propagation on mouse whell in url bar to increase addon compatibility (thanks to Peter Leugner, Xclear addon author)
  • Add Firefox 13.0a1 support
  • Update hebrew locale (thanks to barryoni)
  • Update dutch locale (thanks to markh)
  • Update turkish locale (thanks to alfapegasi)

Version 4.2.4:

  • Add preference to invert scroll axis (thanks to CitizenhanceR)
  • Add Firefox 12.0a1 support

Version 4.2.3:

  • Add turkish translation

Version 4.2.2:

  • Fix hebrew translation
  • Fix url panel size on first display
  • Fix url loading while url is baddly formed
  • Update Firefox 7a1 compatibility (thanks to KAAMOS2)

Version 4.2.1:

  • Add hebrew translation

Version 4.2.0:

  • Add url bar icon
  • Display First run experience wiki page on first start up
  • Display Changelog wiki page on update
  • Add Firefox 4.0.* support
  • Update Manifest (install.rdf) fix for compatibility and adding translators

Version 4.1.5:

  • Fix a bug which skip some URL (thanks to HFT.Man)
  • Now compatible Firefox 4b9pre

Version 4.1.4:

  • Fix url highlighting
  • Fix middle-click for Linux / X server users (thanks to

Version 4.1.3:

  • Fix a bug: right button toolbar no more disappear

Version 4.1.2:

  • Add deutch description
  • Update Firefox 4.0 beta 8 pre compatibility

Version 4.1.1:

  • Fix url computation for FTP protocol: the add-on should now be compatible with all protocols.

Version 4.1.0:

  • Add new feature: url rows of panel could be now clicked:
    • clic will change the current url in urlbar
    • double clic will load the url to the current tab
  • Add german, italian, serbe and bresilian locales
  • Place the cursor at the end of url when it's modified
  • Add firefox 4.0b4pre support
  • Fix url computation bug with IPv4

Version 4.0.0:

  • Add keyboard control:
    • Pressing "alt" key when urlbar is focused opens a panel of urls
    • Pressing "enter" key goes to the selected url. You can still edit your current url.
  • Add preferences
  • Package javascript source
  • Add internationalization (other translations comming soon)

Version 3.0.0:

  • Add new feature: can go back deeper in urls after changing page (user request)
  • Add new feature : multilanguage support (en and fr traductions for the moment)
  • Improve url management: working independently for each tab (each tabs remember his own urls)
  • Update Firefox 3.5.x compatibility
  • Add validation of URI format
  • Add preferences
  • Review of original code
