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Pete-C2 edited this page Mar 22, 2019 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Greenhouse-Controller wiki!

I am developing this to monitor and control a greenhouse; it is currently work in progress and not ready for use. Details on the hardware that you need to build to go with this will be in Building the Hardware.

Using the XML configuration file the system configuration is defined. Information on running the program are in Running the Program.

The key features are:

  • Control relay(s) to turn on/off the heater(s), maintaining a controlled temperature.
  • Display temperature from the sensor(s).
  • Control of lighting based on the light level reading.
  • Control of heating to control low air temperature.
  • Log temperatures, humidity and light level to a CSV file and Influx database.
  • The Influx database logging is ideal for graphical monitoring with Grafana.

Minor features are:

  • Ability to cope with sensor faults - turns off the propagator heater to avoid cooking the plants!
  • Configurable logging interval.
  • Configurable title.

Possible future features are:

  • Individual temperature schedules per propagator.
  • Automation of fans to control high air temperature.
  • Automation of misting to control humidity.
  • Measurement of soil moisture and automated watering/alert.
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