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Target Diagram Options

Peter Rochford edited this page Feb 6, 2017 · 13 revisions

The appearance of target diagrams can be controlled via several options and are listed below for convenience of reference. The format for their use is "option" followed by "value". For example, to produce a target diagram that labels the points and changes the axis options for BIAS and CRMSD, the command would appear as (cf. target2.m)

[hp, ht, axl] = target_diagram(bias,crmsd,rmsd, 'markerLabel',label, 'ticks',-50.0:10.0:50.0);

General Options

overlay 'on' / 'off' (default): Switch to overlay current statistics on target diagram. Only markers will be displayed.

Marker Options

MarkerDisplayed 'marker' (default): Experiments are represented by individual symbols
  'colorBar': Experiments are represented by a color described n a colorbar

Options when MarkerDisplayed is 'marker'

markerLabel Labels for markers
markerLabelColor Marker label color (Default: black)
markercolor Marker color
markerLegend 'on' / 'off' (default): Use legend for markers

Options when MarkerDisplayed is 'colorbar'

nonRMSDs 'on' / 'off' (default): Values in RMSDs do not correspond to total RMS Differences. (Used to make range of RMSDs values appear above color bar.
titleColorBar Title of the colorbar.