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Using ViVeTool GUI Feature Scanner

Peter Strick edited this page Apr 11, 2022 · 2 revisions

Using the ViVeTool GUI Feature Scanner is quite easy. Once you launch it you will be walked through setting up the pre-requirements. Just follow the on-screen prompts and press on Continue.


Link to the Windows Debugging Tools

It is also important to make sure that the following option is selected while installing the Windows SDK


Now the Feature Scanner will download Debug Symbols of Files in C:\Windows, C:\Program Files, and C:\Program Files (x86)

This will take a long time, depending on how many applications are installed on the system.

ViVeTool_GUI FeatureScanner_AKGUGr0cJf

After the Symbol download is completed, the Feature Scanner will begin to scan all the .pdb files and write any Feature IDs and Names to a Feature List Text file.

This will take a bit, depending on how good your CPU and Hard Drive are.


Note: You can see the currently scanned .pdb file by opening the minimized mach2 window.

After the scan is completed, you are presented with an option to either copy the Feature List to the Desktop, or to clear the Symbol Folder.

ViVeTool_GUI FeatureScanner_RgmlKPZcPv