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/ ad_people_tracker Public archive

Deprecated - Tracks the number of people at home


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DEPRECATED - Use this setup instead


place in configuration.yaml

    - person.a
    - person.b


place in configuration.yaml

- sensor:
  - unique_id: people_at_home
    name: People at Home
    state: >
      {%- set people = expand('group.people') %}
      {{ people | selectattr('state', 'in', ['home', 'on'] ) | list | count }}
    icon: >
      {%- set icons = ['account-off', 'account', 'account-multiple'] %}
      {%- set people = expand('group.people') %}
      {%- set cnt = people | selectattr('state', 'in', ['home', 'on'] ) | list | count %}
      {%- if cnt >= 0 %}
        mdi:{{ icons[cnt] if cnt in range(icons | count) else 'account-group' }}
      {%- else %}
      {%- endif %}
      template: people_tracker
      people: > 
        {%- set people = expand('group.people') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'home') | map(attribute='name') | list %}
        {%- set company = expand('group.people') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | map(attribute='name') | list %}
        {%- set people = people + company %}
        {{ people }}
      and: >
        {%- set people = expand('group.people') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'home') | map(attribute='name') | list %}
        {%- set company = expand('group.people') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | map(attribute='name') | list %}
        {%- set people = people + company %}
        {%- if people | count > 0 %}
          {{- [people[:-1] | join(', '), 'and', people[-1]] | join(' ') if people | count > 1 else people[0] }}
        {%- else %}unknown
        {%- endif %}
      or: >
        {%- set people = expand('group.people') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'home') | map(attribute='name') | list %}
        {%- set company = expand('group.people') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | map(attribute='name') | list %}
        {%- set people = people + company %}
        {%- if people | count > 0 %}
          {{- [people[:-1] | join(', '), 'or', people[-1]] | join(' ') if people | count > 1 else people[0] }}
        {%- else %}unknown
        {%- endif %}
      count: >
        {%- set people = expand('group.people') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'home') | map(attribute='name') | list %}
        {%- set company = expand('group.people') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | map(attribute='name') | list %}
        {%- set people = people + company %}
        {{ people | count }}

AppDaemon Home Assistant People Tracking Sensor

People Tracking Sesnor app for AppDaemon.

Creates a sensor that tracks the number of people at home. Also creates gramatically correct lists of formated names at home.

The sensor contains the following information:

  • Number of people at home, including guests.
  • A list of people at home, sorted by first name. Guests are always last. e.g. A, B, and guests
  • Removes plural letters from device tracker names. e.g. Petro's iPhone will be reduced to Petro.
  • A gramatically correct string using the conjunction 'and' e.g. A, B, and C
  • A gramatically correct string using the conjunction 'or'. e.g. A, B, or C


Download the people_tracker directory from inside the apps directory here to your local apps directory, then add the configuration to enable the hacs module.

Example App configuration


# Monitors all events in INFO log level
  module: people_tracker
  class: PeopleTracker
  guest_entity_id: input_boolean.guests
  - device_tracker.petro
  - person.wife


# Creates a sensor for Spanish, using 'y' for 'and' and 'o' for 'or'.
  module: people_tracker
  class: PeopleTracker
  guest_entity_id: input_boolean.invitados
  - device_tracker.petro
  - person.wife
  name: Gente en Casa
  guests_name: invitados
  and: y
  or: o
  log_level: INFO

App Configuration

key optional type default description
module False string people_tracker The module name of the app.
class False string PeopleTracker The name of the Class.
entities False list A list of people or device_tracker entity_ids.
guest_entity_id True string A input_boolean or binary_sensor that determines if guests are home.
name True string People Tracker Name of the created sensor.
guests_name True string guests Name displayed in tracker when guests are home.
and True string and Conjunction used for representing `A, B, and C.
or True string or Conjunction used for representing `A, B, or C.
log_level True 'INFO' | 'DEBUG' 'INFO' Lazy log level, it pushes all logs to a specific level so you don't need to restart appdaemon.