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The @blizzard-api collection aims to help you connect to the Blizzard API as easily and painlessly as possible. The packages are split up by game, and will contain all the endpoints, parameters, and responses you need to get started.


If you already have a way of authenticating your application with, you only need to install @blizzard-api/core and the relevant game package you want, e.g.:

npm i @blizzard-api/core @blizzard-api/wow

Currently available packages are:

  • @blizzard-api/d3
  • @blizzard-api/wow
  • @blizzard-api/classic-wow

Planned packages are:

  • @blizzard-api/hs
  • @blizzard-api/sc2

The core package gives you access to helper functions such as getBlizzardApi which will quickly get you the hostname and locales for a specific region.

The game package will let you access paths, namespaces, parameters and more for each endpoint. This can imported like so:

import { achievement, wow } from "@blizzard-api/wow"

const achievement = wow.achievement(123);
        ^ { path: string, namespace: string }
const achievement = achievement(123);
        ^ { path: string, namespace: string }

If you additionally want to have a axios client with built in helpers, you can install @blizzard-api/client which will let you easily connect to the API and begin consuming it.

npm i @blizzard-api/client
import { createBlizzardApiClient } from '@blizzard-api/client';
import { wow } from '@blizzard-api/wow';

const client = await createBlizzardApiClient({
  key: 'environment.blizzardClientId',
  secret: 'environment.blizzardClientSecret',
  origin: 'eu',

//Response will automatically be typed with the appropriate values
const response = await client.sendRequest(wow.commodities());

                      ^ typeof AuctionHouseCommoditiesResponse


Please refer to the documentation for guides on how to obtain Blizzard API credentials.


This list is generally prioritized but no promises that things will be addressed in this order.

  • Add a package for the following games/flavours
    • Diablo III
    • Hearthstone
    • StarCraft II