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Runtime Bridge 2.0.0-beta.0

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@krhougs krhougs released this 29 Jan 22:12


Runtime Bridge 2 uses P2P technologies to improve the mining experience. It allows multiple lifecycle instance share data providers to reduce storage pressure and support data provider redundancy to ensure overall stability.

Deployment guide:

To use with docker: docker pull phalanetwork/prb:next
To use monitor with docker: docker pull phalanetwork/prb-monitor:next

The example docker-compose.yml are not released yet!
We'll update them ASAP.


The internal communication protocol has been refactored with libp2p(The same protocol that Substrate uses), which provides component discovery ability to build a setup quickly.

Also, we’ve made it a separate package to make the API easier to use. Run yarn add @phala/runtime-bridge-walkie to add it to your Node.js app simply.

Source code:

Detailed documents will be up with the stable release of Runtime Bridge 2.

Data Provider

Ye olde fetch component has upgraded to data_provider. It does the same as the old fetch component but also serves as a blob server.


One lifecycle instance now runs multiple runners if it has too many workers due to the thread-safe model of Node.js.

Saved critical information is encrypted now. The raw polkadotJson can be no more exported.


The monitor can discover running components automatically thanks to libp2p.

Known issues

  • Overall: Try to change the value of --max-old-space-size of Node.js if you suffer from OOM issues.
  • Lifecycle: Lifecycle instance might connect to the wrong data provider when discovered multiple data providers.
  • Lifecycle: Frequently reporting BlockNumberMismatch when synching header blobs.
  • Data Provider: Synching from the P2P network is not implemented yet.
  • Monitor: The functionalities to add/edit/delete workers/pools are not implemented yet.
  • Trade: Will deprecate bee-queue in future releases.