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PhiloBiblon UI

New user interface for PhiloBiblon.

Main features:

  • User friendly interface to query Wikibase PhiloBiblon items via SPARQL.
  • Show Wikibase PhiloBiblon items via Wikibase API.
  • User friendly interface to edit Wikibase PhiloBiblon items.
  • OAuth integration with Wikibase.
  • Show Wikibase pages directly as web pages.
  • Deployable via docker-compose.


PhiloBiblon UI has two main modules:

  • frontend: A VUE application (including nuxt) using client side rendering.
  • backend: A Java application (Spring Boot) with two main purposes:
    • Authentication with Wikibase via OAuth 1.0.
    • Proxy to wikibase-edit library in frontend in order to edit items in the Wikibase.

philobiblon-ui drawio


Steps to build the modules:

  1. Set .env file which defines the environment variables depending on the platform where we are installing (currently, .env.local for local development; .env.pbuidev for sandbox).
ln -s .env.pbuidev .env
  1. Build backend container.
cd backend
mvn clean install
  1. Build frontend container.
docker-compose --env-file .env build
  1. First time only, get Let's Encrypt ssl certificates to enable the https protocol.

The last step already starts all modules for PhiloBiblon UI.


Start the PhiloBiblon UI:

docker-compose --env-file .env up -d

Stop the PhiloBiblon UI:

docker-compose --env-file .env stop


The configuration is centralized in the env file, where we can find all the environment variables:

  • frontend
    • FRONTEND_DOMAIN: Public DNS domain.
    • FRONTEND_HTTP_PORT: Public port for frontend.
    • FRONTEND_HTTPS_PORT: Public port for backend.
    • LETSENCRYPT_USER: Let's Encrypt user mail.
    • API_BASE_URL: URL for public backend API.
  • backend
    • WIKIBASE_BASE_URL: Wikibase base url (i.e, without any request URI)
    • WIKIBASE_API_URL: Wikibase API url.
    • WIKIBASE_INDEX_URL: Wikibase index url.
    • WIKIBASE_NICE_URL_BASE: Wikibase nice url (used for OAuth communication)
    • SPARQL_BASE_URL: SPARQL base url (i.e, without any request URI)
    • SPARQL_ENDPOINT: SPARQL endpoint url.
    • SPARQL_QUERY_PREFIX: SPARQL prefix to use in queries.
    • OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY: OAuth consumer key generated in Wikibase (similar that we did for QS).
    • OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET: OAuth consumer secret generated in Wikibase.
    • OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL: OAuth callback url.
    • ALLOWED_ORIGINS: Allowed origins to access the backend module (for public instances use directly *).

backend variables are exposed to the frontend via the backend endpoint: ${API_BASE_URL}/api/config.
