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Golang SDK for Phoenix Chain

Developers can easily interact with the Phoenix Chain using this go sdk, examples are as follows.

Initializing a Client

Before interacting with the blockchain, you need to initialize a client. First import the relevant packages:

import (
	phoenixClient ""

Then connect a client:

client, err := phoenixClient.Dial("")

Querying Account Balance

Import the relevant packages:

import (

Query the balance of an account at the latest block.

	account := common.HexToAddress("0xF35F4545fa03416C4ABb9FC9c743EDa6e35c5592")
	latestBalance, err := client.BalanceAt(context.Background(), account, nil)
	if err != nil {

You can also query the balance of an account at a certain block height.

	blockNumber := big.NewInt(21879393)
	account := common.HexToAddress("0xF35F4545fa03416C4ABb9FC9c743EDa6e35c5592")
	balance, err := client.BalanceAt(context.Background(), account, blockNumber)
	if err != nil {

Querying Blocks

By calling BlockByNumber, you can get all the information of a block, including block height, timestamp, block hash, transaction list, etc.

	blockNumber := big.NewInt(21879393)
	block, err := client.BlockByNumber(context.Background(), blockNumber)
	if err != nil {

Querying Transactions

Loop through the transactions in the block, you can get transaction details.

import (
	for _, trans := range block.Transactions() {
		fmt.Println(trans.Hash().Hex())	// get transaction hash
		fmt.Println(trans.Value().String()) // get transaction value
		chianID, err := client.ChainID(context.Background())
		if err != nil{
		msg, err := trans.AsMessage(types.NewEIP155Signer(chianID))
		if err != nil{
		} else{
			fmt.Println(msg.From().Hex()) // get from address
		fmt.Println(trans.To().Hex()) // get to address

Or get transaction details directly by transaction hash:

	txHash := common.HexToHash("0xdc52533193e5b31707d7a8cacb06eb78acbcd13dfc4917c61a2215806ad7ece6")
	tx, isPending, err := client.TransactionByHash(context.Background(), txHash)
	if err != nil {

You can also get the transaction receipt by transaction hash.

	txHash := common.HexToHash("0xdc52533193e5b31707d7a8cacb06eb78acbcd13dfc4917c61a2215806ad7ece6")
	receipt, err := client.TransactionReceipt(context.Background(), txHash)

Smart Contracts

Install development tools

Before starting work, you need to install the abigen tool.

# Install libraries
sudo apt install libgmp-dev libssl-dev
# Build to generate abigen
git clone
cd Phoenix-Chain-SDK
go mod tidy
make all
sudo cp -f ./build/bin/abigen /usr/local/bin/

Install the solc compilation tool and prepare the solidity contract file.

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

contract Store {
    event ItemSet(bytes32 key, bytes32 value);

    string public version;
    mapping (bytes32 => bytes32) public items;

    constructor(string _version) public {
        version = _version;

    function setItem(bytes32 key, bytes32 value) external {
        items[key] = value;
        emit ItemSet(key, value);

Generate Go contract file

Generate abi and corresponding golang files.

solc --abi --bin Store.sol -o abi
abigen --bin=./abi/Store.bin --abi=./abi/Store.abi --pkg=store --out=Store.go

Deploying a contract

We can copy the generated Store.go file to the Golang project, and realize the interaction with the Store.sol contract by calling the functions in Store.go. Here is a complete example of deploying a contract:

package main
import (
	store "...The path of the store.go file..."
func main() {
	client, err := ethclient.Dial("")
	if err != nil {
	privateKey, err := crypto.HexToECDSA("your account private key")
	if err != nil {
	auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(privateKey)
	fromAddress := common.HexToAddress("your account address")
	nonce, err := client.PendingNonceAt(context.Background(), fromAddress)
	if err != nil {
	auth.Nonce = big.NewInt(int64(nonce))
	auth.Value = big.NewInt(0)     // in wei
	auth.GasLimit = uint64(300000) // in units
	auth.GasPrice = big.NewInt(200000000000)
	version := "1.0.0"
	contractAddress, tx, contractInstance, err := store.DeployStore(auth, client, version)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(contractAddress.Hex()) // print contract address, example: 0x9aC8B849A8b6Fc14F8dEcfa6A22dB41671B38eFB
	fmt.Println(tx.Hash().Hex())       // print transaction has
	_ = contractInstance // new contract instance

Querying a contract

After the contract is successfully deployed, you can call querying methods of the contract by the new contract instance. Here is a complete example of querying a contract.

package main
import (
	store "...The path of the store.go file..."
func main() {
	client, err := ethclient.Dial("")
	if err != nil {
	contractAddress := common.HexToAddress("0x9aC8B849A8b6Fc14F8dEcfa6A22dB41671B38eFB")
	contractInstance, err := store.NewStore(contractAddress, client)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("contract is loaded")
	version, err := contractInstance.Version(nil)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(version) // "1.0.0"

Writing to a contract

To calling writing method of the contract, you need to provide the account private key for authentication.

package main
import (
	store "...The path of the store.go file..."
func main() {
	client, err := ethclient.Dial("")
	if err != nil {
	privateKey, err := crypto.HexToECDSA("your private key")
	if err != nil {
	publicKey := privateKey.Public()
	publicKeyECDSA, ok := publicKey.(*ecdsa.PublicKey)
	if !ok {
		log.Fatal("cannot assert type: publicKey is not of type *ecdsa.PublicKey")
	fromAddress := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(*publicKeyECDSA)
	nonce, err := client.PendingNonceAt(context.Background(), fromAddress)
	if err != nil {
	gasPrice, err := client.SuggestGasPrice(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
	auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(privateKey)
	auth.Nonce = big.NewInt(int64(nonce))
	auth.Value = big.NewInt(0)     // in wei
	auth.GasLimit = uint64(300000) // in units
	auth.GasPrice = gasPrice
	contractAddress := common.HexToAddress("0x9aC8B849A8b6Fc14F8dEcfa6A22dB41671B38eFB")
	instance, err := store.NewStore(contractAddress, client)
	if err != nil {
	key := [32]byte{}
	value := [32]byte{}
	copy(key[:], []byte("testKey"))
	copy(value[:], []byte("testValue"))
	tx, err := instance.SetItem(auth, key, value)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("transaction hash:", tx.Hash().Hex())
	result, err := instance.Items(nil, key)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(string(result[:])) // "testValue"