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Discord bot to help programming, including but not limited to querrying known docs.


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Discord Bots

RTFM is a discord bot created to help you as a programmer directly from Discord It provides some helpful tools:

  • Languages documentations and references

  • Code execution (hundreds of languages availables with their different implementations)

  • Almost full StackExchange network questions

Current features

  • Search through online documentations

    Already available
  • Search through online references (get preview result directly from Discord)

    Already available
  • Debian man pages (preview from Discord) (

  • Code execution through, at least 581 languages

    Already available

    05ab1e, 2dfuck, 2sable, 3var, 4, 7, 99, a-pear-tree, accbb, aceto, actually, ada-gnat, adapt, addpp, adjust, agda, agony, ahead, aheui, alchemist, algol68g, alice, alice-bob, aliceml, alphabeta, alphuck, alumin, ante, anyfix, apl-dyalog, apl-dyalog-classic, apl-dyalog-extended, apl-dzaima, apl-ngn, appleseed, arble, archway, archway2, arcyou, arnoldc, asciidots, asperix, assembly-as, assembly-fasm, assembly-gcc, assembly-jwasm, assembly-nasm, attache, aubergine, awk, axo, backhand, bash, bc, beam, bean, beanshell, beatnik, beeswax, befunge, befunge-93-fbbi, befunge-93-mtfi, befunge-93-pyfunge, befunge-96-mtfi, befunge-97-mtfi, befunge-98, befunge-98-pyfunge, bit, bitbitjump, bitchanger, bitcycle, bitwise, blak, blc, boo, boolfuck, bosh, brachylog, brachylog2, braille, brain-flak, brainbash, brainbool, brainflump, brainfuck, braingolf, brainhack, brat, brian-chuck, broccoli, bubblegum, burlesque, bwfuckery, c-clang, c-gcc, c-tcc, canvas, cardinal, carol-dave, carrot, cauliflower, ceres, ceylon, chain, changeling, chapel, charcoal, charm, check, checkedc, cheddar, chef, chip, cil-mono, cinnamon-gum, cixl, cjam, clean, clips, clisp, clojure, cobol-gnu, cobra, coconut, coffeescript, coffeescript2, commata, commentator, commercial, condit, convex, cood, corea, cow, cpp-clang, cpp-gcc, cquents, crayon, cryptol, crystal, cs-core, cs-csc, cs-csi, cs-mono, cs-mono-shell, csl, cubically, cubix, curry-pakcs, curry-sloth, cy, d, d2, dafny, dart, dash, dc, deadfish-, decimal, delimit, deorst, detour, dirty, dobela, dodos, dreaderef, dscript, dstack, dyvil, eacal, ec, ecpp-c, ecpp-cpp, ed, egel, element, elf, elixir, elvm-ir, emacs-lisp, emmental, emoji, emoji-gramming, emojicode, emojicode6, emotifuck, emotinomicon, enlist, erlang-escript, es, eta, euphoria3, euphoria4, evil, explode, extrac, face, factor, fantom, felix, fernando, feu, fimpp, fish, fish-shell, fission, fission2, flipbit, flobnar, foam, focal, foo, forked, forte, forth-gforth, fortran-gfortran, fourier, fractran, fs-core, fs-mono, fueue, funciton, functoid, funky, funky2, fynyl, gaia, gaotpp, gap, gema, geo, glypho, glypho-shorthand, gnuplot, go, golfish, golfscript, grass, grime, groovy, gs2, gwion, hades, haskell, haskell-gofer, haskell-hugs, haskell-literate, hasm, haxe, haystack, hbcht, hdbf, hexagony, hodor, homespring, hspal, huginn, husk, hy, i, icon, idris, incident, intercal, io, j, j-uby, jael, japt, java-jdk, java-openjdk, javascript-babel-node, javascript-node, javascript-spidermonkey, jelly, jellyfish, joy, jq, julia, julia1x, julia5, julia6, julia7, jx, k-kona, k-ngn, k-ok, kavod, klein, kotlin, ksh, labyrinth, lean, lily, llvm, lmbm, lnusp, locksmith, logicode, lolcode, lost, lower, lua, ly, m, m4, machinecode, make, malbolge, mamba, mariolang, mascarpone, mathematica, mathgolf, mathics, matl, maverick, maxima, maybelater, memory-gap, milky-way, minimal-2d, miniml, minkolang, mirror, momema, monkeys, moonscript, moorhens, mornington-crescent, mouse, mouse2002, mouse83, mu6, mumps, my, my-basic, nameless, neim, neutrino, nhohnhehr, nial, nim, no, noether, nqt, ntfjc, numberwang, oasis, object-pascal-fpc, objective-c-clang, objective-c-gcc, ocaml, occam-pi, octave, ohm, ohm2, oml, ooocode, ork, orst, osabie, osh, pain-flak, paradoc, parenthetic, pari-gp, pascal-fpc, path, pbrain, perl5, perl6, phoenix, phooey, php, physica, picolisp, piet, pike, pilot-rpilot, pingpong, pip, pixiedust, pl, pony, positron, postl, postscript-xpost, powershell, powershell-core, prelude, premier, preproc, prolog-ciao, prolog-swi, proton, proton2, pure, purescript, purple, pushy, puzzlang, pyke, pylons, pyn-tree, pyon, pyramid-scheme, pyt, pyth, python1, python2, python2-cython, python2-iron, python2-jython, python2-pypy, python3, python3-cython, python3-stackless, qqq, qs-core, quadr, quadrefunge-97-mtfi, quads, quarterstaff, quintefunge-97-mtfi, r, racket, rad, rail, random-brainfuck, rapira, reason, recursiva, red, reng, reregex, reticular, retina, retina1, rexx, rk, roda, roop, rotor, rprogn, rprogn-2, ruby, runic, rust, rutger, sad-flak, sakura, sbf, scala, scheme-chez, scheme-chicken, scheme-gambit, scheme-guile, sed, sed-gnu, seed, septefunge-97-mtfi, seriously, sesos, set, sexefunge-97-mtfi, sfk, shapescript, shnap, shortc, shove, shp, shtriped, sidef, silberjoder, silos, simplefunge, simplestack, simula, sisal, sisi, slashes, smbf, sml-mlton, smol, snails, snobol4, snowman, snusp, snusp-bloated, snuspi, somme, spaced, spim, spl, sqlite, squirrel, stackcats, stacked, starry, stax, stencil, stones, str, straw, subskin, sumerian, surface, swap, swift4, symbolic-python, syms, taco, tampio, tampioi, tapebagel, taxi, tcl, tcsh, templat, templates, thing, threead, thue, thutu, tidy, tincan, tinybf, tinylisp, tir, tis, transcript, trefunge-97-mtfi, trefunge-98-pyfunge, triangular, triangularity, trigger, trumpscript, turtled, typescript, ubasic, underload, unefunge-97-mtfi, unefunge-98-pyfunge, unicat, unlambda, uno, unreadable, v, v-fmota, vala, var, vb-core, verbosity, visual-basic-net-mono, visual-basic-net-vbc, vitsy, vsl, whirl, whispers, whispers2, whitespace, width, wierd, wise, woefully, wren, wsf, wumpus, xeec, xeraph, yaball, yabasic, yash, ybc, yup, z80golf, zephyr, zig, zkl, zsh

  • Search questions on given StackExchange's website, at least 289 websites

  • Small tools

    • Convert both ways text to numerical representation (UTF-8)
    • Display standard conversions of numerical storage unit for given value in given unit (Mio, Gio...)


  • More documentations and references to come

  • Programming/languages-specific tips

  • Your suggestions (open an issue)

Useful links

The bot is actively developed and keeps evolving. However, a stable and regularly updated version of the bot is online so you can test or show it.

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Supporting the bot

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  • Leave a star on this github repository, it helps it get some visibility

  • Upvote it here, here and here

  • Share comments about the bot as well as its invite to other interested people


Discord bot to help programming, including but not limited to querrying known docs.







No releases published


No packages published


  • Python 100.0%