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Releases: PierreDuc/ng-event-options

18.0.0 Angular 18 support

05 Jun 10:29
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Update to angular 18

Angular 11 support

04 Feb 06:59
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{ Core } - Fix travis build

3.2.0 # Debounce or Throttle

30 Jan 11:40
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  • Added debounce and throttle options


<div (click.*|th[100,1])="onClick($event)">

This will throttle the event every 100ms, with an immediate fire (1)

3.1.6 # Making sure

27 Dec 08:44
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Bug fixes:

  • Trim whitespace from event options
  • Set singleRun to true for travis ci


  • Ability to add undefined listeners. Useful if you just want to stop an event, or prevent default browser behaviour
  • Added travis-ci support

3.0.0 # Even(t) more than expected

22 Dec 20:28
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  • Move to ng-packagr
  • Proper unit tested
  • Implemented e2e tests
  • Improved speed
  • Use the 'b' to only attach the listener if you are inside the browser environment

2.1.0 # Universal

18 Dec 11:03
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Added an extra option to only attach an event listener while running inside the browser. This can for instance be useful if your event is doing something with the window object

2.0.3 # Rework done

15 Sep 14:40
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(sorry for the inconvenience)


  • Generate lib
  • Generated directives
  • Event utilities

New features

  • Ability to use @HostListener
  • All browser events are now 'unlocked'
  • Cut down the size to almost nothing

Breaking changes:

  • Event options should be added using a . after the event, so no more adding strange attributes:

    <button (click.pcon)="onClick($event)">

  • Removal of the AddEventOptionsListener


13 Sep 08:50
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Initial release of ng.EventOptions. This fills the hole angular leaves open with no support for event options inside the template