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How to write Javadocs

Tatsuya Iwanari edited this page Nov 8, 2016 · 1 revision

We're always discussing how to write codes, i.e., our coding style in this repository and this page is a kind of notes of our discussion.

Here, we show the format of Javadocs we will apply for this library. We're planing to follow the instruction the following page describes; How to Write Doc Comments for Javadoc.


A Javadoc should be like this;

 * A description.
 * @tag1 arguments related to the tag.
 * @tag2 ...
  • This has (1) a description and (2) zero or more tags, with a blank line.
  • A description should start with an uppercase letter and ends with . so that it should be a document.
  • A tag will be followed by arguments (e.g., the name of a parameter for @param) and the arguments also should be a document.
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