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This repository contains shared software for the CERN Pileup Workshop in May 2014.

Useful reading: see the file

Project suggestions

  • are we better off with massless or massive jet inputs?

  • comparing new methods on identical samples

  • comparing event-wide v. local PU suppression methods

  • your own...


The current directory structure is as follows:

  • Framework/ provides the basis of a library for reading events, mixing hard and pileup events, etc.

  • example/ will contain a handful of examples

  • scripts/ contains some helper scripts (e.g. for automated Makefile generation).

  • sample-events/ contains small event files for basic testing

  • /afs/ contains large event files, also accessible through the web at File names should be fairly self-explanatory.

  • if you're running on lxplus and you don't already have fastjet, add


    to your path.

Getting started

Download the software from github if you haven't already done so:

git clone

If fastjet-config is not in your path, place a .fastjet file containing the path to the top-level fastjet installation directory (i.e. without the /bin/ part) in each of the directories where you'll run ./mkmk (see below). Then:

In the Framework/ directory run


In the example/ directory run


First try out a very simple few-line test program that illustrates some basic features of reading events

./test -hard ../sample-events/dummy.pu14

Next try a program that mixes hard and pileup events and prints out a couple of characteristics

./example01 -hard ../sample-events/lhc14-pythia8-4C-dijet50-nev20.pu14.gz \
            -pileup ../sample-events/lhc14-pythia8-4C-minbias-nev100.pu14.gz \
            -npu 20 -nev 2

This adds a fixed number of pileup events (20) to each hard event (sorry, no Poisson fluctuations yet!).

The last example that's currently in place, takes hard and pileup events, runs area-based pileup subtraction, and generates some histograms statistics on the quality of the subtraction.

./example02 -hard ../sample-events/lhc14-pythia8-4C-dijet50-nev20.pu14.gz \
            -pileup ../sample-events/lhc14-pythia8-4C-minbias-nev100.pu14.gz \
            -npu 5 -nev 20 > output.dat

and look inside output.dat to see what's there. To actually get sensible answers, you'll need more than 20 events ("-nev 20"). For that, run with the big event samples (see above). You can plot results with


which will produce a file

Look inside the program to see some of the options. The matching of full jets and hard jets is performed with a simple geometrical method for now.

NEW: If you add the option -chs, charged particles from pileup are scaled by a factor 10^{-60}, which is effectively charged-hadron subtraction.

NOTE: example/ illustrates code to get the output as described in


We have provided a branch with development versions of a few tools

svn co

or, create a file in your contrib directory, called contribs.local, with the following contents

# addition of a SafeAreaSubtractor (including "rho_m") and SafeNpCSubtractor
GenericSubtractor                tags/2.0.0-alpha-PUWS14.1

# SoftKiller
SoftKiller                       tags/1.0.0-alpha-PUWS14.1

# ModifiedMassDropTagged and SoftDrop
RecursiveTools                   tags/1.0-alpha-PUWS14.1

# other relevant contribs included in stable releases
JetCleanser                      tags/1.0.0
ConstituentSubtractor            tags/1.0.0

Installation (see README in fastjet-contrib for more details):

./configure    # assumes fastjet-config is in your path

make check  # optional
make install

Then add the relevant -lContribXXX -lContribYYY to your Makefile.

Note that the "make install" step would install fastjet-contrib in your FastJet directory which can interfere with prior installations of fastjet-contrib.

Shared-library alternative:

If you're using shared FastJet libraries, you can try out

make fragile-shared
make check  # optional
make fragile-shared-install

Then add the relevant -lfastjetcontribfragile to your Makefile