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PirateWallet-Lite is z-Addr first, Sapling compatible wallet lightwallet for Pirate. It has full support for all Pirate features:

  • Send + Receive fully shielded transactions
  • Full support for incoming and outgoing memos
  • Fully encrypt your private keys, using viewkeys to sync the blockchain


Download compiled binaries from our release page


  • While all the keys and transaction detection happens on the client, the server can learn what blocks contain your shielded transactions.
  • The server also learns other metadata about you like your ip address etc - this can be mitigated by running your lightd server (HOW-TO will be posted shortly)

Note Management

PirateWallet-Lite does automatic note and utxo management, which means it doesn't allow you to manually select which address to send outgoing transactions from. It follows these principles:

  • Defaults to sending shielded transactions.
  • Sapling funds need at least 5 confirmations before they can be spent
  • Can select funds from multiple shielded addresses in the same transaction

Compiling from source

  • PirateWallet-Lite is written in C++ 14, and can be compiled with g++/clang++/visual c++.
  • It also depends on Qt5, which you can get from here.
  • You'll need Rust v1.37 +

Building on Linux

git clone
cd piratewallet-lite
/path/to/qt5/bin/qmake CONFIG+=debug
make -j$(nproc)





  • C++ 70.3%
  • CSS 18.0%
  • Shell 5.1%
  • QMake 2.1%
  • PowerShell 1.9%
  • Rust 1.5%
  • Other 1.1%