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djbpitt edited this page Oct 8, 2023 · 6 revisions

Hello, welcome to the hoaXed wiki!

hoaXed, or Hoax Edition: a learning app for eXist-db, is a companion application for the 2022 NEH Institute “Advanced digital editing: modeling the text and making the edition”. Lecture notes, tutorials, and other materials can be found on the Institute materials site. If you’re arriving to this wiki from somewhere other than our Institute materials site, please explore the material there first before beginning this tutorial.

In this repository, each branch represents a step in the pipeline of development, intended to guide users through the laboratory edition, following the same steps as our two-week in-person workshop. We recommend users clone the repository and navigate the branches using this wiki as a guide.

This is a step-by-step recreation of how we built an eXist-db app using XML and XQuery. At each stage, we’ll introduce the skills and knowledge you need to complete the step, but we recommend using the books and resources we reference to practice and learn XQuery skills you will need to create your edition.

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