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Collectible Minimalist Pixel Art Tokens Secured on the Ethereum Blockchain! This is the whole source code including the website/app, solidity contracts, and test scripts. The app is currently being hosted on the web at

For a breakdown of the contract code, check out the flattened contract repo here

Setup and run

Please follow these steps if you wish to run the PixelCons app locally or wish to run the tests

1. Clone the core repo

Clone the PixelCons-Core repo by downloading the zip from GitHub and extracting it or by running the following GIT command

git clone

2. Set environment variables

By default, the app will attempt to use the ethers default mainnet provider which is often slow and unreliable. To improve performance you can provide your own JSON RPC endpoint via an environment variable. This JSON RPC endpoint is used by the archiver, server backend, and wrapped for ocasionally fetching pixelcon specific data to the frontend. You can set the JSON_RPC environment variable directly or create a .env file like below


3. Run install and build

Run the following commands at the cloned PixelCons-Core directory to install dependencies and build the app (Make sure you have Node.js installed)

npm install
npm run archive
npm run build

4. Start web server

By default, the app is already configured to point to mainnet. Start the webapp by running the following command which will host it at http://localhost:3000

npm run start

Run the Tests

The PixelCons core project contains test scripts for verifying application integrity. Please follow these steps if you wish to run the tests yourself

1. Run install and compile

Make sure you have all the dependancies installed and have compiled the contracts by running the following commands (Make sure you have Node.js installed)

npm install
npm run compile

2. Run the test script

Run the following command to start running the tests (uses hardhat in the background)

npm run test

Run with testnet

The PixelCons core project can be configured to point to networks other than Ethereum mainnet for testing

Run local ethereum testnet

You can optionally spin up your own node as a test environment with the following command

npm run node

Deploy the contracts

You can use the deploy script to deploy the PixelCons contract to your local testnet by default

npm run deploy

You can reference the npm deploy script command to learn how to use the deploy script for other testnets


There are a few optional build configuration settings that can be used to tweak the app found at the bottom of src/build.config.ts. The main items that need to be configured to point to a custom network are

OVERRIDE_JSON_RPC - set to "http://localhost:8545/" for local network
OVERRIDE_CHAIN_ID - set to "31337" for local network
OVERRIDE_PIXELCONS_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - set to deployed contract address reported in the deploy script