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Bug: Already Fixed
Bug: Already Fixed
Issues that report already fixed bugs.
Bug: Cannot Reproduce
Bug: Cannot Reproduce
Issues that report bugs that cannot be reproduced.
Bug: Confirmed
Bug: Confirmed
Issues that report confirmed bugs.
Bug: Fixed
Bug: Fixed
Issues that report bugs and have been fixed.
Bug: Pending Response
Bug: Pending Response
Issues that report bugs and are pending of a response from the author.
Bug: Unverified
Bug: Unverified
Issues that report unverified bugs. Pending for inspection.
Meta: BugFix
Meta: BugFix
PRs that fix bugs or issues.
Meta: Cleanup
Meta: Cleanup
Issues and PRs related to code cleanup.
Meta: Dependencies
Meta: Dependencies
Issues and PRs related to dependencies.
Meta: Documentation
Meta: Documentation
Issues and PRs related to documentation.
Meta: Examples
Meta: Examples
Issues and PRs related to examples.
Meta: Feature
Meta: Feature
Issues and PRs related to new features.
Meta: GitHub
Meta: GitHub
Issues and PRs related to GitHub.
Meta: Refactor
Meta: Refactor
Issues and PRs related to refactors.
Priority: Critical
Priority: Critical
Issues and PRs with maximum priority.
Priority: High
Priority: High
Issues and PRs with high priority.
Priority: Low
Priority: Low
Issues and PRs with low priority.
Priority: Medium
Priority: Medium
Issues and PRs with medium priority.
Priority: Ultra-Low
Priority: Ultra-Low
Issues and PRs with such a low priority it could be finished long after creation.
Semver: Major
Semver: Major
PRs that contain breaking changes and should be released in the next major version.
Semver: Minor
Semver: Minor
PRs that contain new features and should be released in the next minor version.
Semver: Patch
Semver: Patch
PRs that contain bugfixes and should be released in the next patch version.
Status: Blocked
Status: Blocked
PRs that are blocked by other issues/PRs.
Status: Denied
Status: Denied
Issues and PRs that have been denied by the team.
Status: Duplicate
Status: Duplicate
Issues and PRs that are duplicated.
Status: Help Wanted
Status: Help Wanted
Issues that need assistance from volunteers or PRs that need help to proceed.
Status: Invalid
Status: Invalid
Issues that will not be fixed or PRs that will not merge, e.g. due to backwards compatibility.
Status: Needs Docs
Status: Needs Docs
PRs that need documentation.
Status: Needs Testing
Status: Needs Testing
PRs that need testing from the author or volunteers.
Status: Needs Translations
Status: Needs Translations
PRs that need translations.