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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

bug 🐛
bug 🐛
Something isn't working
by design 🖌️
by design 🖌️
Some behavior that is intended and not an issue
dependencies 📦
dependencies 📦
Pull requests that update a dependency file
documentation 📃
documentation 📃
Improvements or additions to documentation
duplicate 👥
duplicate 👥
This issue or pull request already exists
feature ✨
feature ✨
New feature or request
good first issue 👍
good first issue 👍
Good for newcomers
help wanted 👋
help wanted 👋
Extra attention is needed
invalid ❌
invalid ❌
This doesn't seem right
pending update ⚙️
pending update ⚙️
Update is ready but needs time to push to Github
question ❓
question ❓
Further information is requested
scheduling 🏗️
scheduling 🏗️
Proposal is on the agenda
stale 📉
stale 📉
Issues without recent activity
triage needed 🔍
triage needed 🔍
This issue is awaiting triage by maintainers
wontfix 🚫
wontfix 🚫
This will not be worked on