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Extensions Development

CPKreuz edited this page Dec 17, 2020 · 1 revision

WIP - Extensions are still work in progress!

You can write your own extensions using lua to extend PixiEditor with tools, filters, parsers, etc

Config File

The config file tells PixiEdtior what the extension can do. It's written xml and looks like this

<Config Name="Test Extension" Author="CPK">
	<Menu Name="Extensions">
		<MenuItem Click="./Main.lua:BWFilterPopup">BW</MenuItem>
	<Parser From=".pixi" To=".jpg" Use="./Main.lua:PixiToJpg"/>

Name Attribute - Says how the extension is named in the extensions manager

Author Attribute - Says who developed the extension

Menu Name="" - In which menu are the following Menu Items gonna be

MenuItem Click="" - Which file:method is gonna be called when the item has been clicked

MenuItem value - How is the menu item gonna be called

Parser From="" - From which file type

Parser To="" - To which file type

Parser Use="" - Which file:method is gonna be called when the parser is used