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MODX Docker Project by Pixmill

Download project from Gitlab:

git clone ./NewProject

Prepare Docker

If you have no Docker, please install it with

brew install docker --cask

Then launch Docker desktop application from Applications.

Go to Docker directory:

cd ./NewProject/docker

Prepare environment variables:

cp .env.dist .env

Don't forget to specify unique project name in COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME variable.

And run containers:


First launch will take about 5-10 minutes while docker download images and build containers.

Install MODX

If you have run this project for the first time, you need to install MODX with default settings. Run


This will install MODX of the version specified in MODX_VERSION variable, default packages and create special Assets plugin.

MODX 2.8.5+ notice

There is a problem in MODX 2.8.5+ versions because of this PR. If you installed this version, you need go to the core/config/ and change the line 66 to make port checking not so strict.


if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] !== 80) {


if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80) {

This will solve the problem with wrong addresses.

How to develop

Open - you will see the MODX website.

Your frontend assets are in the NewProject/assets directory, handled by Vite in development mode. When you change files, frontend will rebuild assets and reload.

If you want to change something in MODX, feel free to go to the /manager using login admin and password adminadmin.

When you finish your work, run


to save your changes for Git.

Then you can stop your containers by


Production Build

If you want to upload compiled assets to production web-server, run


This should compile frontend bundle and copy PHP sources with Gitify data files to the root /dist directory.

Now you are ready to upload the content of /dist directory to the root of MODX website on server.

Windows notice

Although Docker works well on Windows, you can't run a bash script without installing WSL 2 or other complexities.

That is why you will need to run it directly inside PHP container. Open Docker Desktop, click on context menu of php-fpm container and use commands from scripts.

For example, here is all-in-one commands to install MODX:

export $(cat ./.env | sed 's/\r$//')

gitify modx:download 2.8.4-pl

php setup/cli-install.php --database_server=mariadb \
  --database=$MARIADB_DATABASE --database_user=$MARIADB_USERNAME --database_password=$MARIADB_PASSWORD \
  --table_prefix=modx_ --language=en --cmsadmin=admin --cmspassword=adminadmin --cmsadminemail=admin@localhost \
  --context_mgr_path=/modx/manager/ --context_mgr_url=/manager/ \
  --context_connectors_path=/modx/connectors/ --context_connectors_url=/connectors/ \
rm -rf ./core/cache && gitify build

gitify package:install --all