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Animated vector drawables for Keyshape

This Keyshape plugin adds support for importing and exporting vector drawables and animated vector drawables for Android apps.

After installing the plugin, it is possible to open animated vector drawables in Keyshape for editing. It is also possible to export animated vector drawables.


  1. Go to Releases and download the latest AVD-format.keyshapeplugin
  2. Double-click the downloaded AVD-format.keyshapeplugin to install it in Keyshape

The plugin can be updated with the same procedure: download the latest release and install it.

Importing Vector Drawables

After installation, just use the File > Open menu command in Keyshape to open vector drawable files. They have .xml file suffix and should start with a <vector> or <animated-vector> XML tag.

Most vector drawable features are imported successfully, but there are few limitations:

  • pivotX and pivotY animations are not supported
  • easing interpolators (such as linear_out_slow_in) are approximated with cubic beziers
  • attribute references, such as "@string", are not supported
  • style attribute references, such as "?android:textColorSecondary", are not supported
  • the elements and attributes must use the android: and aapt: prefixes, other prefixes are not supported
  • overlapping animations targeting the same property in objectAnimators may not work correctly
  • cannot read animations which derive values from the target object (all keyframes must explicitely define a value)
  • repeatCount is ignored if multiple objectAnimators target the same property
  • only basic line animations made with path trim start, end and offset are supported
  • path trim start, end and offset animations are mapped to SVG dash offset animations

Exporting Vector Drawables

After installation, the Vector Drawable and Animated Vector Drawable export options can be found in the export dialog.

Exporting these properties is supported: position, rotate, scale, anchor, fill color, fill rule, fill opacity, stroke color, stroke opacity, stroke linecap, stroke linejoin, stroke miterlimit, path data.

NOTE: Unsupported are: opacity (supported only for the top-most document object), stroke dash arrays, blending modes, skew, filters and bitmap images.

Animatable properties are: position, rotate, scale, anchor, fill color, fill opacity, stroke color, stroke width, stroke opacity, path data. The top-most document object opacity can also be animated. Stroke dash offset animations are mapped to path trimming animations.

Vector drawables and animated vector drawables are exported into a single XML file.

Exporting has few limitations:

  • gradients can have maximum three color stops and their position is always at the start, center and end of the gradient
  • text gets converted to paths
  • symbols create duplicate code, which can create large files
  • skew is not supported because AVDs don't support skewing
  • clipping paths only support path shape animations (no transform animations)
  • clipping paths can only have one path object
  • only one clipping path per object is allowed
  • masks are treated as clipping paths
  • stroke dash offset animations are exported as path trimming animations
  • repeating is not supported

Required Android API levels

The exported vector drawables require different API levels depending on the features used. See the Android documentation for details, but here's a summary:

  • Basic animated vector drawables require API level 21+ (Android 5.0)
  • Non-linear easing (path interpolators) requires API level 24+ (Android 7.0)
  • Gradients require API level 24+
  • The even-odd fill rule requires API level 24+
  • The support library can show some animated vector drawables at API level 11+
  • The support library can show some static vector drawables at API level 7+


MIT License, see the LICENSE file for details.