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Player Movement

Kagano edited this page May 12, 2024 · 2 revisions

Create Simple Player Movement

First creating the Game Window Programm.cs

using KaganoEngine.Manager;
using KaganoEngine.Nodes;
using System.Numerics;

public class YourGame : Game {
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        new TestGame(); //Create game instance
    public TestGame() : base(Dimension._2D)
        Run(new Scene(dimension,new Physic2DSettings?()));
    public override void Init(){
        //Create Player
        Player player = new()
            position = new Vector3(400, 240, 0),
            texture = ContentManager.GetTexture("player.png"), // Add the xml up (loads from "content/player.png")
        Cam3D cam3D = new() //Create Camera
            Position = new Vector3(10, 10, 10),
        player.AddChild(cam3D); //make follow player
        cam3D.SetActiveCamera(); //makes the camera active 

Add this to your project to make able to load files like textures (png)

    <Content Include="content/**/*">

As next you did need a Custom Node What is a Node? A node is a object with parent system, so you can subordinate. Player.cs

public class Player : RigidBody2D
    private float _speed = 0.01f
    public Player() : base()
        Color = Color.Gray;
        Size = new Vector3(128, 128, 0);
        ZIndex = 1;
    public override void Update()

        Vector3 v = Input.Vector2Input() * _speed; // WASD vector * SPEED
        Body.Position += new Vector2A(v.X, v.Y); // Add it to the Physic Body
    public override void Ready()
        Body.Position = new Vector2A(0,-Size.Y); // set in on the top of the floor

Create Floor how the player can Stay

public class Floor : RigidBody2D {
    public Floor() : base(bodyType:BodyType.Static) { // make sure you make it static
        Size = new Vector3(128*5, 128, 0);
        Color = Raylib_cs.Color.Blue;

You also can use other keys

//Here as example it will change to arrow keys
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