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Model tutorial/application on express js with EJS templating engine

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Node & Express JS

Rundown of a basic application in expressJS, based on Node. This will guide you through the process of building an application with expressJS, covering the basics, ie, routes, templates, handling etc.

The Crux

To refresh the basics of async operations and other miscellaneous operations, check out the Node folder; it covers the basic code as covered in this tutorial by Bucky Roberts. (you should check out his channel thenewboston on YouTube, it covers the basics of a lot of other concepts).

Installation and Setup

First, have node installed on your PC. You can check whether node (and effectively npm) is installed by running node --version. If node isn't installed, you can follow this tutorial for the same. Once you have node installed, you can install express and express-generator (useful for modeling entire applications without the inital manual setup).

npm install -g express express generator

The -g option installs it globally which is probably what you want to do anyways. (Omit if not required)

Inital Application and POSTING to browser

Once you have express installed (express -h), you can create the basic boilerplate code for your application:

express --view=ejs <application name>

Here I am using ejs as my templating engine for the views. Some popular template engines that work with Express are Pug, Mustache, and EJS.

Okay so once that is done, you can cd <application> and run:

DEBUG=<application>:* npm start

This will run your application; navigating to http://localhost:3000/ should confirm this.

Basic routing and templates

Let us create a basic route. In routes/index.js we can define a new route as:

router.get('/name/:name', function(req, res, next) {
    res.render('name', {
            'title' : "User Page",
            'name' :,
            'age' : 23

The :name is basically a request parameter. This route tells express to load the template called name.ejs and pass it the given params. In our template we can write:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title><%= title %></title>
        <h1>Hello, <%= name %>!</h1>
        <p>Age : <%= age %></p>

Now, if we navigate to /name/ it should display Hello, !. The cool thing about passing parameters this way is that these params are regex controlled. You can specify different pages for different use-cases at the route level itself. For example:


This will/should match only those names that have 4 letters, begin with 3 capital letters and end with an s or d. Mind you, the regexs you write here aren't quite the same as normal ES3 ones, refer to this thread for some more reading. This express route tester is a pretty handy tool to see whether your routes work the way you want them too.


Model tutorial/application on express js with EJS templating engine







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