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Disable Ctrl-Alt-Del in Win9x and Win NT/2K/XP too


The following code will demonstrate how to disable Ctrl-Alt-del in Win 9x platform, and how to disable various options in the Ctrl-Alt-Del List in Win NT/2K/XP. To understand the code, you must know how to use the Api functions, although I have tried to keep all the api's in seperate classes.

There is also a class which determines if the OS is from Win9x or Win NT series.

Hope you would fine some use for it.

More Info

This function uses api calls for disbaling in Win 9x and registry api functions to disable in Win NT/XP/2K.

If you are working in Win NT/2K/XP, it will be safe to create a new user for testing purposes.

Submitted On 2002-08-21 13:32:44
By Amitabh Kant
Level Intermediate
User Rating 4.9 (59 globes from 12 users)
Compatibility VB 5.0, VB 6.0
Category Windows System Services
World Visual Basic
Archive File