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Convert operations


This niftey little program converts visual basic 6 files to visual basic 5 files in seconds (well, how ever fast you are) :)

I hate when people using VB6 mark their projects as VB6 only, when 98% of them could, and will, work in VB5. But try it, use VB5 to open a VB6 file, and you get an error saying that "Retained is an invalid key".

Most people don't know how to stop this, and disregard any VB6 file as useable under VB5. Convert Operations puts a stop to this.

More Info

Submitted On 2001-01-27 21:21:14
By N/A
Level Intermediate
User Rating 5.0 (10 globes from 2 users)
Compatibility VB 5.0, VB 6.0
Category VB function enhancement
World Visual Basic
Archive File