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54 lines (38 loc) · 1.37 KB

How to code a "wait" function...


This code shows you, how you can easily implement a "wait" function into visual-basic...

More Info

Submitted On
By gunti
Level Beginner
User Rating 3.0 (18 globes from 6 users)
Compatibility VB 3.0, VB 4.0 (16-bit), VB 4.0 (32-bit), VB 5.0, VB 6.0, VB Script, ASP (Active Server Pages)
Category Coding Standards
World Visual Basic
Archive File

Source Code

'place a timer-controle & 3 Labels into your app.
Public Sub Wait(seconds)
  Timer1.Enabled = True
  Me.Timer1.Interval = 1000 * seconds
  While Me.Timer1.Interval > 0
  Timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
  Timer1.Interval = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
  Label1.Caption = "1"
  Wait (5)
  Label2.Caption = "2"
  Wait (5)
  Label3.Caption = "3"
End Sub