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Has... String Functions


This is a series of Has.. Codes. It will search a textbox for the following: Lowercase letter, Uppercase letters, Numeric Characters, and Accented Characters. So, if it has lowercase letters or something, it will display a message box. this is a good example of how to use loops, ASCII codes and the Instr Function, then again, this might be a lousy example, you be the judge.

More Info

ASCII Codes, atleast add on to it, search for ASCII Gen and you will find one of my ASCII code generators.

Message Box if the Function returns true

Submitted On
By Jared Collums
Level Intermediate
User Rating 4.5 (18 globes from 4 users)
Compatibility VB 3.0, VB 4.0 (16-bit), VB 4.0 (32-bit), VB 5.0, VB 6.0, VB Script
Category String Manipulation
World Visual Basic
Archive File

Source Code

Public Function HasUppercase(TextBox As Object)
For i = 65 To 90 'i equals every letter from "A" to "Z"
If InStr(TextBox.Text, Chr$(i)) Then MsgBox "Has Uppercase"
'Searches for letters A to Z (i), and if i is present, Display a box.
End Function
Public Function HasLowercase(TextBox As Object)
For i = 97 To 122 'i equals every letter from "a" to "z"
If InStr(TextBox.Text, Chr$(i)) Then MsgBox "Has Lowercase"
'Searches for letters a to z (i), and if i is present, Display a box.
Next i
End Function
Public Function HasNumeric(TextBox As Object)
For i = 0 To 9 'i equals every number from "0" to "9"
If InStr(TextBox.Text, i) Then MsgBox "Has Numeric"
'Searches for numbers 0 to 9 (i), and if i is present, Display a box.
Next i
End Function
Public Function HasAccentchars(TextBox As Object)
For i = 128 To 223 'i equals every character from "€" to "ß"
If InStr(TextBox.Text, Chr$(i)) Then MsgBox "Has Accented Characters"
'Searches for accent characters € to ß (i), and if i is present, Display a box.
Next i
End Function


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