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Real Assembler


This program illustrates the function of a assembler with limited error handling and

debugging. It shows how different mnemonics are translated into computer codes.

There is one instruction compiled for every assembly key word. This assembler is in

initial stage and supports a few op codes. There are a few interesting examples included.

The project is the result of hours of my work. So plz comment and vote even if it is 1 *.

It will encourage me to prepare a full fledged compiler.

More Info

Submitted On 1998-01-01 10:57:06
By LogicGenius (FaranM.)
Level Advanced
User Rating 4.8 (38 globes from 8 users)
Compatibility VB 4.0 (32-bit), VB 5.0, VB 6.0
Category Coding Standards
World Visual Basic
Archive File