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Rex - MusicManager


Simply the biggest and best mp3 / media player with source code on the web. Recurisive search on the disk, reads / writes m3u files, retrieves tags, CDDB support, powerful find feature, Save custom playlists, Parameters on startup, song properties with more than 60 tags, soon a CD Write support. This program is always under construction so please check it out...

More Info

Try to launch musicmanager with a parameter like D/C:\music and see what happens.

To read a directory structure, press the collection button and then ADD Drive. Select a folder from the browseforfolders window and let musicmanager do the rest.

I know of no side effects, but if you find any, please mail them to me at To run this program you need VB6 and SP3. Thanx, MrHippo

Submitted On 2000-11-21 09:52:50
By N/A
Level Advanced
User Rating 3.6 (29 globes from 8 users)
Compatibility VB 6.0
Category Sound/MP3
World Visual Basic
Archive File

API Declarations

There are many great API calles used in MusicManager. I have commented their use wery well so you may learn a trick or two.