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This repos hosts the code of our paper Class-aware data augmentation by GAN specialisation to improve endoscopic images classification where we artificially extend the Hyper-Kvasir dataset in order to improve classification performance.

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GAN Augmented CNN

This repos hosts the code of our paper Class-aware data augmentation by GAN specialisation to improve endoscopic images classification where we artificially extend the Hyper-Kvasir dataset in order to improve classification performance.

If you find this code useful and use it for your own production, please cite the following paper:

  doi = {10.1109/bhi56158.2022.9926846},
  url = {},
  year = {2022},
  month = sep,
  publisher = {{IEEE}},
  author = {Cyprien Plateau-Holleville and Yannick Benezeth},
  title = {Class-aware data augmentation by {GAN} specialisation to improve endoscopic images classification},
  booktitle = {2022 {IEEE}-{EMBS} International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics ({BHI})}


Notebooks containing article's experiences are provided in folder notebooks to ease reproducibility.

Create training dataset

Training and validation set needs to be created with the script It aims to create a dataset from image folders that take care of the format needed by training scripts :

├── train 
│   ├── class1
│   └── class2
└── val 
    ├── class1
    └── class2
Argument name Expected value
checkpoints List of string contains paths to SG2 checkpoints (optional if generate_number = 0 or one per class defined in class_names)
class_folders String dictionary based on the following format (Keys must be the same as class_names): '{"class_name": ["folder1", ...]}'
generate_number With dataset equalisation: #(Real Images) + #(Synthetic image) = generate_number, Without: #(Synthetic image) = generate_number
output_dir Output directory
split_file CSV file describing (file-name;class-name;split-index) training (0) and validation sets (!=0).

The following commands generates the training set for the experimental protocol CUSTOM-UC.

%run \
    --checkpoints 'PATH_TO_CHECKPOINTS/2.sg2ada_non_pathological.pkl' 'PATH_TO_CHECKPOINTS/3.sg2ada_pathological.pkl' \
    --class_folders '{"non_pathological": ["HK/lower-gi-tract/lgi-quality-of-mucosal-views/bbps-2-3", "HK/lower-gi-tract/lgi-pathological-findings/uc-grade-1"], "pathological": ["HK/lower-gi-tract/lgi-pathological-findings/uc-grade-2", "HK/lower-gi-tract/lgi-pathological-findings/uc-grade-3"]}'
    --generate_number 0 --output_dir ../custom_uc_raw --split_file ../training-set-full/splits/both_2_fold_split.csv

The following commands generates a training set for the whole Hyper-Kvasir dataset.

%run --checkpoints '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' \
  --class_folders '{"cecum": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-anatomical-landmarks/cecum"], "ileum": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-anatomical-landmarks/ileum"], "retroflex-rectum": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-anatomical-landmarks/retroflex-rectum"], "hemorrhoids": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-pathological-findings/hemorrhoids"], "polyps": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-pathological-findings/polyps"], "ulcerative-colitis-grade-0-1": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-pathological-findings/uc-grade-1/ulcerative-colitis-grade-0-1"], "ulcerative-colitis-grade-1": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-pathological-findings/uc-grade-1/ulcerative-colitis-grade-1"], "ulcerative-colitis-grade-1-2": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-pathological-findings/unused-uc/ulcerative-colitis-grade-1-2"], "ulcerative-colitis-grade-2": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-pathological-findings/uc-grade-2/ulcerative-colitis-grade-2"], "ulcerative-colitis-grade-2-3": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-pathological-findings/uc-grade-3/ulcerative-colitis-grade-2-3"], "ulcerative-colitis-grade-3": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-pathological-findings/uc-grade-3/ulcerative-colitis-grade-3"], "bbps-0-1": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-quality-of-mucosal-views/bbps-0-1"], "bbps-2-3": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-quality-of-mucosal-views/bbps-2-3"], "impacted-stool": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-quality-of-mucosal-views/impacted-stool"], "dyed-lifted-polyps": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-therapeutic-interventions/dyed-lifted-polyps"], "dyed-resection-margins": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-therapeutic-interventions/dyed-resection-margins"], "pylorus": ["../training-set-full/upper-gi-tract/ugi-anatomical-landmarks/pylorus"], "retroflex-stomach": ["../training-set-full/upper-gi-tract/ugi-anatomical-landmarks/retroflex-stomach"], "z-line": ["../training-set-full/upper-gi-tract/ugi-anatomical-landmarks/z-line"], "barretts": ["../training-set-full/upper-gi-tract/ugi-pathological-findings/barretts"], "barretts-short-segment": ["../training-set-full/upper-gi-tract/ugi-pathological-findings/barretts-short-segment"], "esophagitis-a": ["../training-set-full/upper-gi-tract/ugi-pathological-findings/esophagitis-a"], "esophagitis-b-d": ["../training-set-full/upper-gi-tract/ugi-pathological-findings/esophagitis-b-d"] }'\
  --generate_number 0 --output_dir ../fullhk_dataset_raw --split_file ../training-set-full/splits/both_2_fold_split.csv



The script contains all classification trainings.

Argument name Expected value
dataset Training dataset folder path
input_size Image size (Default = 256)
da Enable basic data augmentation (Default = True)
lr Learning rate value (Default = 0.001)
clr Enable cyclic learning rate (Default = True)
output_dir Output directory
batch_size Batch size (Default = 256)
epoch_number Epoch number (Default = 30)
pretrained Load pretrained densenet (ImageNet or path to the checkpoint, Default = '')
save_best Save each model epoch that outperforms the previous ones
continue_train Continue training from checkpoint (Default = '')
architecture Classifier architecture (Default = 'densenet161', see network/cnn/

With this script, the model will be trained with SGD (momentum = 0.9) and based on a Cross Entropy Loss. Tensorboard files will be output in the output_dir/runs/ folder.

Example :

%run --batch_size 128  --dataset ../fullhk_dataset_raw --da True --output_dir ./ResNet50/FHKRawNoPretrain --architecture resnet50
%run --batch_size 64  --dataset ../custom_uc_raw --da True --output_dir ./DenseNet161/CUCRawImageNet --architecture densenet161 --pretrained ImageNet

All metrics are output in a results.json with the following format:

  "cm": [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]],
  "macro": {
    "precision": 0.0,
    "recall": 0.0,
    "f1": 0.0
  "micro": {
    "precision": 0.0,
    "recall": 0.0,
    "f1": 0.0
  "MCC": 0.0


dnnlib and torch_utils folders are mandatory to enable the support of StyleGAN2.

StyleGAN2 weights can be created and trained with the following repos NVLabs/stylegan2-ada-pytorch.


%run --checkpoints '' '' \
  --class_folders '{"non_pathological": ["../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-quality-of-mucosal-views/bbps-2-3", "../training-set-full/lower-gi-tract/lgi-pathological-findings/uc-grade-1"]}'\
  --generate_number 0 --output_dir ../preprocessed_dataset --split_file ../training-set-full/splits/both_2_fold_split.csv

%cd ..

from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
import os
copy_tree('./preprocessed_dataset/train/non_pathological', './non-pathological')

!git clone

%cd stylegan2-ada-pytorch

dataset = '../'
!python --source ../non_pathological --dest $dataset --width 256 --height 256

!pip install ninja

output_dir = '.'

import os
checkpoint = os.path.join(output_dir, '1.sg2ada_unlabeled_pt.pkl')

!python --outdir=$output_dir --data=$dataset --aug=ada --snap=10 --freezed=3 --resume=$checkpoint --workers=2 --mirror=1

Hyper Kvasir

To paper results use a slightly modified version of Hyper-Kvasir in order to avoid name clash. A modified split file is provided within the samples directory and needs to be placed in the splits folder of the dataset. These modifications only concerns naming and does not involve merging or modify the data of the dataset. The modified dataset follows the next structure:

├── lower-gi-tract
│   ├── lgi-anatomical-landmarks
│   │   ├── cecum
│   │   ├── ileum
│   │   └── retroflex-rectum
│   ├── lgi-pathological-findings
│   │   ├── hemorrhoids
│   │   ├── polyps
│   │   ├── uc-grade-1
│   │   │   ├── ulcerative-colitis-grade-0-1
│   │   │   └── ulcerative-colitis-grade-1
│   │   ├── uc-grade-2
│   │   │   └── ulcerative-colitis-grade-2
│   │   ├── uc-grade-3
│   │   │   ├── ulcerative-colitis-grade-2-3
│   │   │   └── ulcerative-colitis-grade-3
│   │   └── unused-uc
│   │       └── ulcerative-colitis-grade-1-2
│   ├── lgi-quality-of-mucosal-views
│   │   ├── bbps-0-1
│   │   ├── bbps-2-3
│   │   └── impacted-stool
│   └── lgi-therapeutic-interventions
│       ├── dyed-lifted-polyps
│       └── dyed-resection-margins
├── splits
│   └── hk_2_fold_split_with_paths.csv
├── upper-gi-tract
│   ├── ugi-anatomical-landmarks
│   │   ├── pylorus
│   │   ├── retroflex-stomach
│   │   └── z-line
│   └── ugi-pathological-findings
│       ├── barretts
│       ├── barretts-short-segment
│       ├── esophagitis-a
│       └── esophagitis-b-d
└── wce-crohn-ipi
    ├── wce-normal
    └── wce-pathological
        ├── wce-apthoid-ulceration
        ├── wce-edama
        ├── wce-erythema
        ├── wce-stenosis
        ├── wce-ulceration-between-3mm-10mm
        └── wce-ulceration-over-10mm


H. Borgli, et al,  HyperKvasir, a comprehensive multi-class image and video dataset for gastrointestinal endoscopy, Scientific Data 7 (2020) 283.doi:10.1038/s41597-020-00622-y.
T. Karras, et al, Analyzing and improving the image quality of StyleGAN, in: CVPR, 2020. doi:10.1109/CVPR42600.2020.00813.
T. Karras, et al, Training generative adversarial networks with limited data, in: NeurIPS, 2020.


This repos hosts the code of our paper Class-aware data augmentation by GAN specialisation to improve endoscopic images classification where we artificially extend the Hyper-Kvasir dataset in order to improve classification performance.






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