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Releases: PlayFab/PlayFabMultiplayer

PlayFab Multiplayer C++ v1.7.3 for Android

24 Apr 00:24
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  • Resolved duplicate class error when party and multiplayer are used in the same app.

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PlayFab Multiplayer C++ v1.7.2

07 Mar 22:29
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the internal PubSub notification WebSocket was slow to detect and react to disconnects, which could lead to errors to create or join lobbies and matchmaking tickets.
  • Fixed an issue where failure of PubSub to establish connection with the SignalR service would not trigger a failed state change and would not allow subsequent Multiplayer API calls to subscribe to PubSub.
  • Improved internal diagnostics.

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PlayFab Multiplayer C++ v1.7.1

22 Jan 21:05
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New Features

  • New APIs to enable PlayFab GameServer entities to join and interact with client-owned lobbies:
    • PFMultiplayerJoinLobbyAsServer()
    • PFLobbyServerPostUpdateAsServer()
    • PFLobbyServerLeaveAsServer()
    • PFLobbyGetServer()
    • PFLobbyGetServerPropertyKeys()
    • PFLobbyGetServerProperty()
    • PFLobbyGetServerConnectionStatus()

PlayFab Multiplayer C++ v1.6.6

29 Jan 19:16
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This release updates the minimum SDK versioning and target SDK versioning for PlayFab Multiplayer Apple and Android platforms.

For Apple platforms, we follow Apple's Xcode guidelines with the release of Xcode 15.

  • iOS

    • The Minimum Deployment Target has been increased from iOS 11 to iOS 12.
    • The Target Deployment Version has been increased from iOS 16 to iOS 17.
  • macOS

    • The Target Deployment Version has been increased from macOS 13.3 to macOS 14.
    • The Minimum Deployment Target has been lowered from macOS 12.3 to macOS 10.13.

For Android platforms, we follow Google's target API guidelines.

  • Android
    • The Minimum SDK Version remains at Android API 21.
    • The Target SDK Version has been increased from Android API 30 to Android API 34.
    • The Compile SDK Version has been increased from Android API 31 to Android API 34.
    • Support for 32-bit Android platforms (arm7 and x86) ended on October 19, 2023. No new PlayFab Multiplayer library updates will be released for those platforms. The PlayFab Multiplayer matchmaking and lobby services will continue to operate with no impact to any titles currently using the PlayFab Multiplayer library on 32-bit Android platforms.

If you experience any issues with integrating these packages, please file a PlayFab Support Ticket.

Please see the release notes here:

PlayFab Multiplayer C++ v1.6.5

15 Nov 23:54
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New Features

  • Added new PFMatchmakingTicketGetCustomContext and PFMatchmakingTicketSetCustomContext APIs to associate a custom context with a matchmaking ticket.

Bug fixes

  • Improved internal diagnostics.

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PlayFab Multiplayer C++ v1.6.4 - GDK

16 Aug 17:17
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This is a GDK-only release. For the latest release for other platforms see v1.6.3

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug where the GDK DLL was not being codesigned.

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PlayFab Multiplayer C++ v1.6.3

14 Aug 21:18
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  • Fixed an issue where the library may crash while handling a change notification.
  • Added new PFLobbyMemberCountRemainingSearchKey constant to make it easier to search for and sort lobbies based on their remaining member counts.

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PlayFab Multiplayer C++ v1.6.2

14 Jul 17:37
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where matchmaking operations started by PFMultiplayerJoinMatchmakingTicketFromId timed out prematurely.
  • Fixed an issue where PFMatchmakingTicketGetTicketId could provide a null value if called shortly after starting a matchmaking operation. Now, an empty string is provided as expected.
  • Fixed an issue where the macOS library was identifying as iOS via web request headers. This is primarily used for diagnostics.
  • Improved internal diagnostics.
  • Updated Linux logging instructions.

PlayFab Multiplayer C++ v1.6.0 - Windows, GDK

14 Jun 22:36
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New Features

  • Added a membershipLock field to the PFLobbySearchResult struct to enable reading the lock state of the lobbies provided in search results from PFMultiplayerFindLobbies

PlayFab Multiplayer C++ v1.5.3 for iOS, MacOS

25 Apr 21:02
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