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A smart default-backend for ingress-nginx


The default-backed is used when ingress-nginx is not able to route the request to an upstream kuberentes service, coupled with the option customm-http-errors provides the ability for ingress-nginx to pass several HTTP headers down to defb in case of error.

defb uses this information to provide custom error pages, per service, per content-type, instead of one global. In case a service does not have an error configmap defined the global default will be used:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: echoserver-error-pages
  namespace: default
  labels: defb defb
    default-http-backend/alternate-name: echoserver-svc
  5xx.html: |
        <p>generic html error</p>
  500.json: |
      "message": "internal server error"
  503.json: |
      "message": "service unavailable"
  5xx.json: |
      "message": "generic json error"

This configmap defines a custom error template for a svc named echoserver-svc in the default namespace.

The following rules apply:

  • ANY 500 error where the original request had a Accept header text/html will return the 5xx HTML error.
  • 500 error where the original request had a Accept header application/json will return { "message": "internal server error" }
  • 503 error where the original request had a Accept header application/json will return { "message": "service unavailable" }
  • ANY other 500 error where the original request had a Accept header application/json will return { "message": "generic json error" }

For configuring ingress-nginx to use defb as the default-http-backend see: custom errors

Custom default pages

When there's no error page entry for a service, defb will fallback to /etc/defb/pages (see /pages in this repository). These files can be replaced with your own if you'd like a different fallback pages.


Prometheus metrics are exposed on port 3000 /metrics



Minikube or other K8s environment needed.

  • Intall dependencies
mix deps.get
  • Compile
mix compile
  • Running

iex -S mix