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Merge branch 'develop' into jy14898/evaluatetx-failure-parsing
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jy14898 committed Aug 8, 2022
2 parents 3d22719 + be0c81b commit d363427
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Showing 144 changed files with 15,718 additions and 2,407 deletions.
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions .github/
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ Closes # .

### Pre-review checklist

- [ ] All code has been formatted using our config (`make format` for Purescript, `nixpkgs-fmt` for Nix)
- [ ] All Purescript imports are explicit, including constructors
- [ ] **All** existing examples have been run locally against a fully-synced testnet node
- [ ] All code has been formatted using our config (`make format`)
- [ ] The integration and unit tests have been run (`npm run test`) locally
- [ ] The changelog has been updated under the `## Unreleased` header, using the appropriate sub-headings (`### Added`, `### Removed`, `### Fixed`)
- [ ] The changelog has been updated under the `## Unreleased` header, using the appropriate sub-headings (`### Added`, `### Removed`, `### Fixed`), and the links to the appropriate issues/PRs have been included
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/pages.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
name: Build and Deploy docs to Github Pages
- develop
contents: write
concurrency: ci-${{ github.ref }} # Recommended if you intend to make multiple deployments in quick succession.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3

- name: Install and Build
run: |
npm install -g spago
npm install -g purescript@0.14.5
spago docs
- name: Deploy
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4.3.3
branch: gh-pages
folder: generated-docs/html
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -22,3 +22,5 @@ result-*
55 changes: 51 additions & 4 deletions
Expand Up @@ -25,33 +25,80 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](

### Added

- Plutip integration to run `Contract`s in local, private testnets ([#470](
- Ability to run `Contract`s in Plutip environment in parallel - `Contract.Test.Plutip.withPlutipContractEnv` ([#800](
- `withKeyWallet` utility that allows to simulate multiple actors in Plutip environment ([#663](
- `Alt` and `Plus` instances for `Contract`.
- `Contract.Utxos.getUtxo` call to get a single utxo at a given output reference
- `purescriptProject`'s `shell` parameter now accepts `packageLockOnly`, which if set to true will stop npm from generating node\_modules. This is enabled for CTL developers
- `Contract.Monad.withContractEnv` function that constructs and finalizes a contract environment that is usable inside a bracket callback. **This is the intended way to run multiple contracts**. ([#731](
- `Contract.Monad.stopContractEnv` function to finalize a contract environment (close the `WebSockets`). It should be used together with `mkContractEnv`, and is not needed with `withContractEnv`. ([#731](
- `Contract.Config` module that contains everything needed to create and manipulate `ConfigParams`, as well as a number of `ConfigParams` fixtures for common use cases. ([#731](
- `Contract.Monad.askConfig` and `Contract.Monad.asksConfig` functions to access user-defined configurations. ([#731](
- `Contract.Config.WalletSpec` type that allows to define wallet parameters declaratively in `ConfigParams`, instead of initializing wallet and setting it to a `ContractConfig` ([#731](
- Faster initialization of `Contract` runtime due to parallelism. ([#731](
- `purescriptProject`'s `shell` parameter now accepts `packageLockOnly`, which if set to true will stop npm from generating `node_modules`. This is enabled for CTL developers
- `Contract.Transaction.awaitTxConfirmed` and `Contract.Transaction.awaitTxConfirmedWithTimeout`
- `Contract.TextEnvelope.textEnvelopeBytes` and family to decode the `TextEnvelope` format, a common format output by tools like `cardano-cli` to serialize values such as cryptographical keys and on-chain scripts
- `Contract.Wallet.isNamiAvailable` and `Contract.Wallet.isGeroAvailable` functions ([#558](])
- `Contract.Transaction.balanceTxWithOwnAddress` and `Contract.Transaction.balanceTxsWithOwnAddress` to override an `Address` used in `balanceTx` internally ([#775](
- `Contract.Transaction.awaitTxConfirmedWithTimeoutSlots` waits a specified number of slots for a transaction to succeed. ([#790](
- `Contract.Transaction.submitE` like submit but uses an `Either (Array Aeson) TransactionHash` to handle a SubmitFail response from ogmios
- `Contract.Chain.waitNSlots`, `Contract.Chain.currentSlot` and `Contract.Chain.currentTime` a function to wait at least `N` number of slots and functions to get the current time in `Slot` or `POSIXTime`. ([#740](
- `Contract.Transaction.getTxByHash` to retrieve contents of an on-chain transaction.
- `project.launchSearchablePursDocs` to create an `apps` output for serving Pursuit documentation locally ([#816](
- `Contract.PlutusData.IsData` type class (`ToData` + `FromData`) ([#809](
- A check for port availability before Plutip runtime initialization attempt ([#837](
- `Contract.Address.addressToBech32` and `Contract.Address.addressWithNetworkTagToBech32` ([#846](
- `doc/` describes the process of E2E testing. ([#814](
- Added unzip to the `devShell`. New `` flag `withChromium` also optionally adds Chromium to the `devShell` ([#799](

### Changed

- `runContract` now accepts `ConfigParams` instead of `ContractConfig` ([#731](
- `mkContractConfig` has been renamed to `mkContractEnv`. Users are advised to use `withContractEnv` instead to ensure proper finalization of WebSocket connections. ([#731](
- CTL's `overlay` no longer requires an explicitly passed `system`
- Switched to CSL for utxo min ada value calculation ([#715](
- ServerConfig accepts a url `path` field
- `ConfigParams` is now a type synonym instead of a newtype. `ContractConfig` has been renamed to `ContractEnv`.
- Moved logging functions to `Contract.Log` from `Contract.Monad` ([#727](
- Renamed `Contract.Wallet.mkKeyWalletFromPrivateKey` to `Contract.Wallet.mkKeyWalletFromPrivateKeys`.
- ServerConfig accepts a url `path` field ([#728](
- Examples now wait for transactions to be confirmed and log success ([#739](
- Updated CSL version to v11.0.0 ([#801](
- Better error message when attempting to initialize a wallet in NodeJS environment ([#778](
- The [`ctl-scaffold`]( repository has been archived and deprecated and its contents moved to `templates.ctl-scaffold` in the CTL flake ([#760](
- The CTL `overlay` output has been deprecated and replaced by `overlays.purescript` and `overlays.runtime` ([#796](
- `buildCtlRuntime` and `launchCtlRuntime` now take an `extraServices` argument to add `docker-compose` services to the resulting Arion expression ([#769](

### Fixed
### Removed

- `Contract.Monad.traceTestnetContractConfig` - use `Contract.Config.testnetNamiConfig` instead.
- `runContract_` - use `void <<< runContract`.

### Fixed

- Endless `awaitTxConfirmed` calls ([#804](
- Bug with collateral selection: only the first UTxO provided by wallet was included as collateral [(#723)](
- Bug with collateral selection for `KeyWallet` when signing multiple transactions ([#709](
- Properly implemented CIP-25 V2 metadata. Now there's no need to split arbitrary-length strings manually to fit them in 64 PlutusData bytes (CTL handles that). A new `Cip25String` type has been introduced (a smart constructor ensures that byte representation fits 64 bytes, as required by the spec). Additionally, a new `Metadata.Cip25.Common.Cip25TokenName` wrapper over `TokenName` is added to ensure proper encoding of `asset_name`s. There are still some minor differences from the spec:

-- We do not split strings in pieces when encoding to JSON
-- We require a `"version": 2` tag.
-- `policy_id` must be 28 bytes
-- `asset_name` is up to 32 bytes.

See for motivation
- `ogmios-datum-cache` now works on `x86_64-darwin`
- `TypedValidator` interface ([#808](

## [2.0.0-alpha] - 2022-07-05

This release adds support for running CTL contracts against Babbage-era nodes. **Note**: this release does not support Babbagge-era features and improvements, e.g. inline datums and reference inputs. Those feature will be implemented in v2.0.0 proper.

### Added

- Support for using a `PrivateKey` as a `Wallet`.
- `mkKeyWalletFromFile` helper to use `cardano-cli`-style `skey`s
- Single `Plutus.Conversion` module exposing all `(Type <-> Plutus Type)` conversion functions ([#464](
- Support for using a `PrivateKey` as a `Wallet`
- `logAeson` family of functions to be able to log JSON representations
- `EncodeAeson` instances for most types under `Cardano.Types.*` as well as other useful types (`Value`, `Coin`, etc.)
- `getProtocolParameters` call to retrieve current protocol parameters from Ogmios ([#541](
Expand Down
86 changes: 78 additions & 8 deletions Makefile
@@ -1,17 +1,48 @@
SHELL := bash
.PHONY: run-dev run-build check-format format run-datum-cache-postgres-console
query-testnet-tip clean check-explicit-exports
query-testnet-tip clean check-explicit-exports e2e-test
.SHELLFLAGS := -eu -o pipefail -c

ps-sources := $(shell fd -epurs)
nix-sources := $(shell fd -enix --exclude='spago*')
hs-sources := $(shell fd . './server/src' './server/exe' -ehs)
js-sources := $(shell fd -ejs)
ps-entrypoint := Examples.AlwaysSucceeds
ps-bundle = spago bundle-module -m ${ps-entrypoint} --to output.js
# find a suitable browser for e2e-tests
define e2e-browser
$(shell which chromium google-chrome | head -n1)

# find a suitable temp directory for e2e-tests. snaps don't work
# in $TMPDIR, because of lacking read access!
define e2e-temp-base
$(if $(findstring snap,$(call e2e-browser)),./tmp,$TMPDIR)

ps-sources := $(shell fd -epurs -Etmp)
nix-sources := $(shell fd -enix --exclude='spago*' -Etmp)
hs-sources := $(shell fd . './server/src' './server/exe' -ehs -Etmp)
js-sources := $(shell fd -ejs -Etmp)
ps-entrypoint := Examples.ByUrl
ps-bundle = spago bundle-module -m ${ps-entrypoint} --to output.js
node-ipc = $(shell docker volume inspect cardano-transaction-lib_node-ipc | jq -r '.[0].Mountpoint')
e2e-temp-dir := $(strip $(call e2e-temp-base))/$(shell mktemp -du e2e.XXXXXXX)
e2e-test-chrome-dir := test-data/chrome-user-data

# bump version here
e2e-test-nami := test-data/chrome-extensions/nami_3.2.5_1.crx
e2e-test-nami-settings := test-data/nami_settings.tar.gz

# bump version here
e2e-test-gero := test-data/chrome-extensions/gero_testnet_1.10.0_0.crx
e2e-test-gero-settings := test-data/gero_settings.tar.gz

# example: make e2e-test -- --no-headless
# If the first argument is "e2e-test,"...
ifeq (e2e-test,$(firstword $(MAKECMDGOALS)))
# use the rest as arguments for "e2e-test"
TEST_ARGS := $(wordlist 2,$(words $(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(MAKECMDGOALS))
# ...and turn them into do-nothing targets
$(eval $(TEST_ARGS):;@:)

@${ps-bundle} && BROWSER_RUNTIME=1 webpack-dev-server --progress
Expand All @@ -24,13 +55,49 @@ check-explicit-exports:
(echo "Use explicit exports:" && \
grep -rn '(\.\.)' ./src ./test ./examples)

check-format: check-explicit-exports
@purs-tidy check ${ps-sources}
nixpkgs-fmt --check ${nix-sources}
fourmolu -m check -o -XTypeApplications -o -XImportQualifiedPost ${hs-sources}
prettier -c ${js-sources}
eslint ${js-sources}

@mkdir -p ${e2e-temp-dir}
@unzip ${e2e-test-nami} -d ${e2e-temp-dir}/nami > /dev/zero \
|| echo "ignore warnings" # or make stops
@tar xzf ${e2e-test-nami-settings}
@unzip ${e2e-test-gero} -d ${e2e-temp-dir}/gero > /dev/zero \
|| echo "ignore warnings" # or make stops
@tar xzf ${e2e-test-gero-settings}
@rm -f ${e2e-test-chrome-dir}/SingletonLock
@spago test --main Test.E2E -a "E2ETest --nami-dir ${e2e-temp-dir}/nami --gero-dir ${e2e-temp-dir}/gero $(TEST_ARGS) --chrome-exe $(call e2e-browser)" || rm -Rf ${e2e-temp-dir}

@mkdir -p ${e2e-temp-dir}
@unzip ${e2e-test-nami} -d ${e2e-temp-dir}/nami > /dev/zero \
|| echo "ignore warnings" # or make stops
@tar xzf ${e2e-test-nami-settings}
@$(call e2e-browser) --load-extension=${e2e-temp-dir}/nami --user-data-dir=${e2e-test-chrome-dir} || rm -Rf ${e2e-temp-dir}

@mkdir -p ${e2e-temp-dir}
@unzip ${e2e-test-gero} -d ${e2e-temp-dir}/gero > /dev/zero \
|| echo "ignore warnings" # or make stops
@tar xzf ${e2e-test-gero-settings}
echo $(call e2e-browser) --load-extension=${e2e-temp-dir}/gero --user-data-dir=${e2e-test-chrome-dir} || rm -Rf ${e2e-temp-dir}
$(call e2e-browser) --load-extension=${e2e-temp-dir}/gero --user-data-dir=${e2e-test-chrome-dir} || rm -Rf ${e2e-temp-dir}

# extract current nami settings from e2e-test-chrome-dir and store them for git
tar czf ${e2e-test-nami-settings} ${e2e-test-chrome-dir}/Default/Local\ Extension\ Settings/lpfcbjknijpeeillifnkikgncikgfhdo/*

# extract current gero settings from e2e-test-chrome-dir and store them for git
tar czf ${e2e-test-gero-settings} \
${e2e-test-chrome-dir}/Default/IndexedDB/chrome-extension_iifeegfcfhlhhnilhfoeihllenamcfgc_0.indexeddb.leveldb \
${e2e-test-chrome-dir}/Default/Extension\ State

@purs-tidy format-in-place ${ps-sources}
nixpkgs-fmt ${nix-sources}
Expand All @@ -52,3 +119,6 @@ clean:
@ rm -rf .spago2nix || true
@ rm -rf node_modules || true
@ rm -rf output || true

@echo $(call e2e-temp-base,$(call e2e-browser))
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- [x] **Stage 3** Once we have a simple working transaction, we will seek to build a Plutus smart contract transaction with datum from scratch
- [x] **Stage 4** Once we can construct Plutus smart contract transactions, we will seek to build a library/DSL/interface such that transactions can be built using constraints and lookups - as close as possible to a cut-and-paste solution from Plutus' `Contract` monad code in Haskell (but with no guarantee that code changes are not necessary)
- [ ] **Stage 4.1** Investigate supporting compatibility with the Vasil hardfork and improvements to our initial `Contract` API (**In progress**)
- [ ] **Stage 5** Once we have a basic `Contract`-style API, we will further refine its public interface, expand wallet support (see [below](#light-wallet-support)), expose a test interface, provide a more ergonomic JS/TS API, support stake validators, and support CIP workflows on the public testnet
- [ ] **Stage 5** Once we have a basic `Contract`-style API, we will further refine its public interface, expand wallet support (see [below](#light-wallet-support)), expose a test interface (see [here](doc/, provide a more ergonomic JS/TS API, support stake validators, and support CIP workflows on the public testnet
- [ ] **Stage 6** Once CTL's `Contract` interface has been stabilized, we will add support for even more wallets and attempt to deprecate CTL's currently required Haskell server

### Light wallet support
Expand All @@ -44,13 +44,15 @@ Support is planned for the following light wallets:

Please explore our documentation to discover how to use CTL, how to set up its runtime, and how it compares to Plutus/PAB:

- [Super quick start](./doc/
- [Migrating from Plutus to CTL](./doc/
- [Adding CTL as a dependency](./doc/
- [Getting started writing CTL contracts](./doc/
- [CTL's runtime dependencies](./doc/
- [Developing on CTL](./doc/
- [Testing contracts with Plutip](./doc/

You can also [generate Purescript documentation for CTL and its dependencies](./doc/
You can also access [PureScript documentation for CTL and its dependencies]( for the most recent `develop` version, or [generate it yourself](./doc/

## Architecture

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,5 +84,6 @@ CTL is directly inspired by the Plutus Application Backend (PAB). Unlike PAB, ho
## Available support channels info

You can find help, more information and ongoing discusion about the project here:

- Plutonomicon Discord:
- #ctl channel at MLabs' Slack

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