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srid committed Jan 9, 2022
1 parent 287be0e commit a394510
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Showing 26 changed files with 67 additions and 69 deletions.
65 changes: 0 additions & 65 deletions

This file was deleted.

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions content/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<p align="center">
<img src="" height=250 />

<h1 align="center">P L U T O N O M I C O N</h1>

## Introduction

The Plutonomicon is a developer-driven guide to the Plutus smart contract language _in practice_.

Since this ecosystem is moving at a breakneck speed, we ask that ANY information posted that is not confirmed to work on chain be labelled as `🔧 work in progress`.

## Available resources

We currently provide the following resources, broadly organized by topic.

### Fundamentals and explanations

* [The Fundamentals of Plutus](, which gives a brief introduction to the Plutus language.
* [Plutus Numeric Hierarchy](, which gives an overview of the Plutus numerical type class stack, as well as the extensions to it provided by [`plutus-numeric`](
* [User guide to `plutus-numeric`](, which gives a more 'example-driven' explanation for how to do certain common tasks using `plutus-numeric`.

### Design patterns

* [Forward Minting Policy]( Also described [in another writeup]( Some caution is required, as you may not wish to directly reference a script to obtain a hash used to identify the two scripts, as this method details.
* [Come and Go Proof Tokens](
* [State Thread Token Pattern](
* [DistributedMap](, describing an on-chain implementation of key-value mappings. This is naive, and mostly designed for conceptual illustration.
* [Consistency of a Distributed Map](, which explains some ways of operating on a [distributed map](
* [Stick Breaking Set](, describing an on-chain method of proving presence or absence in a set.
* [On-Chain Association List With Constant Time Insert-Removal](, describing a pattern that can be used to replicate account-style maps without breaking transaction size limits. This is the optimized version of [the naive version of that data structure](

### Testing and optimization
* [Staying In Bounds](, which describes the testing interface for Plutus on-chain size provided by [`plutus-size-check`](

#### Script Optimization Techniques:
* [Reducing Plutus Script Sizes](
* [Optimizations to reduce CPU and Mem consumption](
* [Shrinker](

### Plutus Vulnerabilities:
* [Common Plutus Vulnerabilities](

## Discussion

To discuss the projects and the content under the Plutonomicon umbrella, join our Discord:

## Building the website

If you'd like run a live version of the website locally:

nix run github:srid/emanote -- -L ./content

As you edit[^ed] and save the Markdown files, the browser view should update instantly without requiring a manual refresh. Run `nix build .#website` to build the statically generated website. See [Emanote guide]( for further information.

Please note the Markdown writing conventions:

- There must be zero or one level 1 heading (`# A heading`) as the first line.
- All other headings must be level 2 or greater.
- When writing links, use `[foo](`, or `[[foo]]`.

[^ed]: Try [Obsidian]( or VSCode with [vscode-memo]( for editing.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion flake.nix
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
mkdir $out
${emanote.defaultPackage.${system}}/bin/emanote \
--layers "${self};${configDir}" \
--layers "${self}/content;${configDir}" \
gen $out
effects = { src }: {
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions

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