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Pocket + CDKTF workshop

In this workshop we'll apply the CDKTF constructs from Pocket's terraform-modules to spin up a production-ready application and database, using the Unleash server as our example. Unleash lets you turn new features on/off in production with no need for redeployment. At Pocket, we use Unleash to run A/B test experiments.

The deployed service will have:

  • Auto-scaling on both the application and database.
  • A dashboard to monitor the application.
  • Alarms that alert the team through PagerDuty.
  • Permissions according to the principle of least privilege.


  • Clone the main branch of this repo:

    git clone
  • NodeJS/NPM

    • Required to synth the infrastructure code.
  • AWS account, CLI, and Route53 hosted zone:

    • You can sign up for a free AWS account at
    • For the purpose of this workshop, create an IAM user and attach the AdministratorAccess policy.
      • Create an access key for the user
    • Install the AWS CLI, following instructions from the AWS documentation.
      • Configure a profile using the AWS CLI.
        • Run aws configure [--profile=<name>] from your terminal.
        • Add the access key credentials for your admin user created above.
    • Create a Route53 hosted zone in your AWS account:
      • Register a domain or move an existing domain to Route53. This comes at a cost of ~$10 or typically less. Follow the instruction in the AWS Documentation.
  • Terraform CLI

  • (Optional, but recommended) Terraform cloud account

  • (Optional) Watch us write and explain the code that we'll use as the starting point for this workshop:

    Watch the video

Workshop Steps

We'll spin up a production-ready application that uses a database using Unleash as our example.

Step 1: Create a VPC

Our first step is to create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that isolates our server, such that it can only be accessed from the internet by going through our load balancer. We will use Terraform HCL to create the VPC because this task is usually performed by dev-ops, who are more familiar with HCL than with CDKTF.

  1. Open the file in your IDE and update the AWS region in the provider, the availability zones of the subnets, and the name of the VPC. Run the following command to get the list of availability zones, replacing <region> with your region name:
    aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --query 'AvailabilityZones[].ZoneName' --region <region>
  2. cd vpc - Get into the vpc directory
  3. terraform init - Initialize terraform to download module and providers
  4. terraform plan - To inspect the plan for the resources that will be created
  5. terraform apply - To create/update the resources
  6. Navigate to your AWS VPC Dashboard. Copy your VPC id, public subnet ids, and private subnet ids. We will use them to in the Pocket custom construct.

Step 2: Reorganize our code and add the VPC config

So far, all our application code is located in src/main.ts. That was ok for our 'hello world' example, but now that we'll be adding some more code, let's split it up into multiple files.

  1. Create a new file src/config.ts.
  2. Cut and paste the config variable from src/main.ts to src/config.ts.
  3. Add export in front of the config variable. It should now look like this:
    const name = 'HashicorpPocketCdktf';
    const environment = 'Dev';
    export const config = {
      prefix: `${name}-${environment}`,
      shortName: 'CDKTF',
      domain: '',
      vpcConfig: {
        vpcId: 'vpc-id-goes-here',
        privateSubnetIds: ['first-private-subnet-id-goes-here'],
        publicSubnetIds: ['first-public-subnet-id-goes-here'],
      tags: {
        service: name,
      pagerDutyEscalationPolicy: 'PQNGU1N',
  4. Fill in the following config fields:
    1. Set domain to a subdomain of the domain in your Route53 hosted zone. For example, if you own, then you can choose ''.
    2. Set the vpcConfig to the values you copied in Step 1. You have to enter at least one private and public subnet, but you can choose to enter more to increase the availability of your service.
  5. Import config in src/main.ts:
    import { config } from './config';

Step 3: Change the container image to Unleash

For our 'hello world' example, the containerImage was set to httpd in src/main.ts to start an Apache server responding with "It works!" This time we will use Unleash, as an example of a web application that uses a database.

  1. In src/main.ts, change to the image from httpd to the Unleash Server Docker image:
    containerImage: 'unleashorg/unleash-server:4.1.4'
  2. We will start Unleash on port 4242. In src/config.ts, add a config unleashPort: 4242, to the config object.
  3. Back in src/main.ts, change all three port 80 references to config.unleashPort:
    1. containerConfigs.portMappings.hostPort
    2. containerConfigs.portMappings.containerPort
    3. exposedContainer.port
  4. Add an environment variable telling Unleash what port to start on, by setting containerConfigs.envVars:
    envVars: [
        name: 'HTTP_PORT',
        value: `${config.unleashPort}`,

Step 4: Create a database

In this step, we'll create a Relational Database Service (RDS) to run a PostgreSQL database, which Unleash will use to store its feature flags.

  1. Create a new file src/database.ts and paste in the following code:
    import { Construct } from 'constructs';
    import { ApplicationRDSCluster } from '@pocket-tools/terraform-modules';
    import { config } from './config';
    export function createUnleashRDS(scope: Construct) {
      return new ApplicationRDSCluster(scope, 'rds', {
        prefix: `${config.prefix}-database`,
        vpcId: config.vpcConfig.vpcId,
        subnetIds: config.vpcConfig.privateSubnetIds,
        rdsConfig: {
          databaseName: '',
          masterUsername: '',
          engine: '',
          engineMode: '',
          scalingConfiguration: [
              minCapacity: 2,
              maxCapacity: 4,
              autoPause: false, // Prevent serverless Aurora from scaling down when there are no requests.
        tags: config.tags,
  2. Fill in the rdsConfig with the following values:
    1. databaseName: 'unleash', to set the name of the database.
    2. masterUsername: 'demo_user', to set the username of the 'root' user.
    3. engine: 'aurora-postgresql', to create an Aurora PostgreSQL database, which Unleash requires.
    4. engineMode: 'serverless', to let Aurora manage and scale the database for us.
    5. (Optional) Increase maxCapacity in scalingConfiguration to have a higher ceiling for auto-scaling Aurora.
    6. (Optional) Change the prefix if you want a different name for the AWS RDS.

Step 5: Connect the application with the database

In the previous step we defined our database, and now we'll use it. Make the following changes in src/main.ts:

  1. Import createUnleashRDS in src/main.ts.
    import { createUnleashRDS } from './database';
  2. Add const rds = createUnleashRDS(this); to the constructor before the call to this.createPocketAlbApplication, to create the RDS.
  3. Add a new argument rds: ApplicationRDSCluster to the createPocketAlbApplication function definition, and pass in the rds const.
  4. Database credentials are automatically created for us in the AWS Secrets Manager. Give the ECS Task Execution Role permission to access to these credentials by changing ecsIamConfig.taskExecutionRolePolicyStatements as follows.
    taskExecutionRolePolicyStatements: [
        actions: ['secretsmanager:GetSecretValue', 'kms:Decrypt'],
        resources: [`${rds.secretARN}`],
        effect: 'Allow',
  5. We'll now inject the database credentials into the Docker container, using environment variables that Unleash defines in its docs. Our RDS secret is a JSON object with host, post, username, password, dbname keys. AWS Secrets Manager allows these keys to be referenced using the syntax secret-arn:key-name::, where secret-arn is the ARN of the secret and key-name is the JSON key. Change containerConfigs.secretEnvVars to the following to provide Unleash with the database credentials:
    secretEnvVars: [
        name: 'DATABASE_HOST',
        valueFrom: `${rds.secretARN}:host::`,
        name: 'CONTENT_DATABASE_PORT',
        valueFrom: `${rds.secretARN}:port::`,
        name: 'DATABASE_USERNAME',
        valueFrom: `${rds.secretARN}:username::`,
        name: 'DATABASE_PASSWORD',
        valueFrom: `${rds.secretARN}:password::`,
        name: 'DATABASE_NAME',
        valueFrom: `${rds.secretARN}:dbname::`,

Step 6: Deploy

Run the following commands in your terminal to deploy the stack.

  1. npm ci to install dependencies
  2. npm run build to build and transpile typescript code to javascript and synthesize to terraform friendly JSON.
  3. cd cdktf.out/stacks/hashicorp-pocket-cdktf to go to the directory with Terraform code.
  4. terraform init to initialize Terraform.
  5. terraform apply to deploy your stack to AWS.

Destroying resources

  1. Open the AWS Console, and navigate to RDS. Delete the database created for this workshop by selecting it, and clicking on Actions > Delete. In the dialog that opens, you can opt-out of creating a snapshot. Wait until the RDS is successfully deleted before proceeding.
  2. In your terminal run cd cdktf.out/stacks/hashicorp-pocket-cdktf and then do terraform destroy.


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