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Release v1.19.0

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@github-actions github-actions released this 05 May 22:23
Release version 1.19.0.

New Features
- Added new `SetConfig` options for controlling ionosphere and troposphere delay models

- Renamed `hw_version` field in `VersionInfo` message to `os_version`
- Plot both corrected and uncorrected wheel speed data when present
- Print a table containing log P1/GPS/UTC start time and duration in
  `p1_display` output
- Added C++ comparison operators to `InterfaceID` class

- Fixed missing enum values in `to_string(ConfigType)`
- Added missing iono/tropo ConfigType strings
- Fixed handling of broken pipe errors in `p1_print` (e.g., exiting early
  from `p1_print | less`)
- Fixed `p1_print` handling of unrecognized messages