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Release v1.20.0rc4

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@github-actions github-actions released this 07 Jul 23:26
Release version 1.20.0, candidate 3.

New Features
- Added new `DeviceIDMessage` definition
- Addde new `DEVICE_ID` configuration type
- Added new `HeadingOutput` message containing calibrated heading
  measurement after applying bias corrections
- Added new `LBandFrameMessage` message containing LBand corrections data.
- Added new `p1_lband_extract` Python tool for extracting data from
- Added `--time-axis` option to allow plotting against absolute P1 time
- Added backwards compatibility for Python 3.6 and 3.7

- Refactored log search to check: exact file matches, local
   files/directories, local glob patterns, log dir pattern match
- Renamed `HeadingMeasurement` to `RawHeadingOutput`

- Allow for a small tolerance in `p1_print` time restart check to account
  for latency between measurement data and solution output
- Clarified ROS IMU message covariance definition
- Fixed incorrect start time printout if `p1_display` uses a different t0
  to establish relative time offset
- Fixed UTC time access in GNSSInfoMessage `str()` operator
- Fixed system time units for timestamped-on-reception measurements