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Release v1.3.0

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@github-actions github-actions released this 17 Sep 13:36
Release v1.3.0.

Note: The changes in this release are not backwards compatible with
the previous release. Breaking changes are marked with (*).

New Features
- Added a message sequence number (*)
- Added support for Windows compilation with Microsoft Visual Studio
- Added attitude and velocity std dev to `PoseMessage` (*)
- Added GPS time std dev (*)

- Use 4-byte alignment and packing for all messages (*)
- Removed confusing CRC function overloads
- Changed position std dev to ENU frame, and renamed variable (*)
- Changed velocity definition to body frame instead of ENU (*)
- Separated GNSS info (fixed length) and satellite (variable length)
  messages (*)
- Changed satellite `used_in_solution` field to `usage` bitmask (*)

- Resolved Windows compilation errors
- Fixed CRC values in example data file
- Corrected `float` fields in Python messages
- Added missing velocity field to Python `PoseMessage`
- Handle unrecognized message types gracefully in Python