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Pokey1 edited this page Aug 25, 2014 · 7 revisions

This is a fork of a fork of dump1090. I would like to thank the original authors and contributors that came before me. I have a list of objectives I will be working on that I believe substantiate forking the project. I am open to suggestions, contributions, and pull requests. If you have any, please post to the issues area. Below are the initial goals I came up with which are subject to change.

  1. When a new aircraft is first mapped, a sound will be played. Completed
  2. Mapped aircraft will have an info window that displays flight, equipment, fare, plan, altitude. Window completed, needs data
  3. The right frame will be converted to an accordion and default to closed.Completed, did not use accordion
  4. Aircraft that do not transmit lat/long will be appear as UFOs and include a signal level meter. And why not a Donkey Kong also?
  5. SQL Lite will be installed and track all mapped aircraft. Need to check other forks, may be done already
  6. Data points to save will be ICAO, flight, equipment, date last seen, on-time rating.
  7. There will be a settings menu to set these options. Completed
  8. Aircraft markers will default to always have tail lines. Completed (it's an option)
  9. If an aircraft is above a set altitude, two tail lines representing contrails will appear. Completed (option)
  10. The contrails will become a single line once an aircraft is below a set altitude. Completed
  11. The contrails should merge together/apart as the aircraft gains/loses altitude. Completed
  12. Once an aircraft lands, the color of the icon should change to green.
  13. The marker icon should change based on the type of equipment.
  14. A centralized DB will be created to manage N Number mapping. Need N Number/ICAO xref data
  15. If an aircraft is screaming overhead, the flight and altitude will be announced.
  16. Mac OS and/or Festival will be used for speech.
  17. The on-time rating will be defined as: 90% ontime = A, 80% B, 70% C, 60% D, below F.
  18. Colors of the lines will change based on altitude.
  19. If some info is not available, e.g. equipment, it will not be shown on the info window. Completed
  20. The marker should scale in size when you zoom. Completed

Sample map

Sample settings

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