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Kaon is an experimental Web Component library designed to be extremely small and work with newer platform features like ES6 modules and supports proposals like decorators.

Kaon is not production ready. It doesn't have ShadyDOM/ShadyCSS integration, nor a build step: it only works in browsers that support native Shadow DOM, Custom Elements and Modules.


Kaon is a set of experiments and an exploration of what a Web Component base-class could look like in the near future if it:

  • Used simple data-binding with one-way, top-down, ordered data-flow
  • Updated element state asynchronously, to batch state and DOM changes and to enable top-down dataflow while preserving OOP-style element APIs
  • Used lit-html, a small HTML-in-JS template library that lets you write tempaltes as JaavScript template literals.
  • Enabled proposed JavaScript features, like class properties and property decorators, using compilers like TypeScript if necessary
  • Broke some previously fundamental assumptions about elements, like synchronous layout. In Kaon using APIs like offsetWidth requires care.
  • Only used npm/Yarn

Kaon focuses on the minimal set of features needed for basic Web Components:

  • Templating, using lit-html
  • Property observation, by either using decorators, or a special initializer
  • Rendering scheduling to batch property changes

Example Element

import { KaonElement, html, initializeProperties } from '../../kaon.js';

export class XGreeting extends KaonElement {

  static get properties() {
    return {
      greeting: undefined,
      name: undefined,

  render() {
    return html `
      <span>${this.greeting || 'Hello'}</span>
      <span>${ || 'World'}</span>
// These are not needed if using the @property and @customElement decorators
customElements.define('x-greeting', XGreeting);


JavaScript template literal templates

lit-html enables elements to express their tempaltes as JavaScript template literals. The html template tag creates an HTML <template> element that's used to create and efficiently update the element's shadow root.

Kaon adds property setting and event listener support on top of lit-html. Properties are set by default. Attribtues are set if there's no expression in the value, or if the name is suffixed by $. Event listeners are registered if the name starts with on-.

Elements return a lit-html TemplateResult from their render method, and the Kaon RenderHTML mixin applies the result to the element's shadow root.

  render() {
    return html `
      <div someProperty=${this.aValue} an-attribute$=${bar}>${this.title}</div>

lit-html supports very expressive composition of templates. You can embed simple values, HTML nodes, other templates, and arrays of and functions that return all of the above. You use regular JavaScript logic to build up computed parts of a template.

Class Properties, Type Annotations and Decorators for Properties

JavaScript class properties give us a standard syntax to declare properties, instead of Polymer's properties block. Type annotations give us a standard syntax for specifying the type of a property, useful for attribute de-serialization. Decorators let users specify other metadata, and perform transformations on properties.

@property transforms a property into a getter/setter pair that trigger side-effects when the property is set. It can take an optional equality check function to control whether a value triggers invalidation.

class MyElement extends Kaon(HTMLElement) {
  @property @notify
  myProperty : String;

  @property(equality: identity)
  myImmutableValuedProperty : Object;


Cleaner and standard syntax, which will compatible with more tools. Using decorators for the property transformation encapsulates the accessor logic into a single, relative simple function that can be composed with other decorators, and works with user-defined getter/setter pairs.


Non-standard, but there is a proposal.

Dataflow and Rendering Updates

Databinding systems can be categorized on two axes: synchronous vs. asynchronous, and ordered vs unordered.

Synchronous Asynchronous
Ordered React Om, Kaon?
Unordered Polymer 1.0 Polymer 0.5/MDV

Part of the motivation for Kaon is to explore the Asynchronous+Ordered quadrant within the web components ecosystem, to try to get the best of both worlds of easy-to-reason about React-style dataflow, and OOP-style access and web components standards of Polymer.

Also, the frameworks that do async rendering, like Om and Mercury tend to be the fastest on benchmarks (though the validity of some of these benchmarks is disputable).

React: Functional, Synchronous, Coordinated

React and similar approaches gain a lot of simplicity because of the functional approach to DOM construction. React basically model components as a synchronous render function from state to DOM. One major benefit is that component composition essentially becomes function composition. When state is updated, the render function is invoked, and thus its composed functions.

There are many benefits to this approach.

First, it's relatively easy to understand what happens and when. Components are rendered top-down, and data flows top-down. A component starts rendering when its render functions starts, and stops when the render function stops. This means you can easily time it, set breakpoints, etc.

Second, it's easy to implement (modulo the Virtual DOM library to make the updates fast).

The downside to the Reach approach is that it forces all components to have the API setProps(props) - normal object-oriented access to fields and methods with side-effects is discouraged. This is in tension with the web components model of elements as objects that have the normal array of element APIs like properties, methods and attributes.

Polymer 1.x: OO, Synchronous, Uncoordinated

Polymer takes a different approach: it synchronously updates state when setters are called. Data flows up and down the tree, possibly triggering other data updates along the way, which in turn flow up and down the tree...

This has a few problems:

  1. The ordering is difficult to reason about
  2. Data may be out of sync with related data due to the synchronous updates. Developers may need to write guards against this.

MDV: OO, Asynchronous, Uncoordinated

Polymer 0.5 and MDV used Object.observe, which was asynchronous and un-ordered. This has major usability problems, as users expected their templates to be evaluated in document order. A template/if with a guard condition couldn't actually be used to guard against null in an expression within the template/if because the expressions inside the template might update before the condition itself.

Kaon: OO, Asynchronous, Coordinated

Kaon attempts to have the best of React-style coordinated updates and the OOP-style APIs of web components. It does this by delaying side-effects of state changes to a microtask. This lets synchronous state updates to occur and settle, before the reconciliation task executes.

For a contrived example, imagine an element which represents a point on a unit circle with x and y properties. x and y must meet specific constraints, and updating either without updating both can lead the element to be in an invalid state. By deferring property observers and DOM updates to a microtask, a user of the element can synchronously set both x then y and observers will not be called in between.

class PointOnCircle extends Kaon(HTMLElement) {
  x : Number;

  y : Number;

  @observe('x', 'y')
  _validate(x, y) {
    if (!(x*x + y*y === 1) {

// updates x, marks element as invalid and queues a reconciliation task
pointOnCircle.x = 1.0;
// updates y, defers to existing reconciliation task
pointOnCircle.y = 0.0;

// at a later microtask, pointOnCircle._validate is called, x and y are set

A generic tree-of-elements example:

                       |           |
                       |     A     |
                       |           |
              |              |              |
        +-----------+  +-----------+  +-----------+
        |           |  |           |  |           |
        |     B     |  |     C     |  |     D     |
        |           |  |           |  |           |
        +-----------+  +-----------+  +-----------+
      |               |
+-----------+   +-----------+
|           |   |           |
|     E     |   |     F     |
|           |   |           |
+-----------+   +-----------+

When properties are set on A, the elements are always updated in order, each in a separate microtask, A, B, C, D, E, F. If properties are set on B, only B and its subtree update, in order of B, E, F.


  • Elements are "normal" objects with state, properties and methods. They don't have to try to be state-less functional objects like in React. Interoperability is enabled on this point.
  • The ordering of updates to elements is easy to understand
  • DOM updates are inherently batched
  • Because sync measurement is broken in this model, we can guard against it being called, and provide an async measurement API, keeping users on the DOM fast-path.


  • Breaks synchronous layout assumptions. If a property drive some DOM structure, changing the property won't update the DOM immediately, so layout measuring methods like offsetHeight won't work properly. This harms interoperabiltiy with code that assumes sync layout of HTML elements.
  • Events have to be handled carefully. The simplest solution is to always defer firing events until after layout so that they bubble up the correct DOM structure. This isn't always feasible for browser-fired events like mouse and focus. Mercury has apparently attacked this problem.
  • Two-way data-binding is difficult to impossible


This is a bit outdated as Chrome Promise performance has improved significantly

Queuing and de-queing microtasks has overhead. It's been measured to be in the low single-digit microsecond on desktop Chrome. This is pretty small, but in a large app there might be thousands of custom elements, adding up to milliseconds of total overhead, potentially eating into frame budget.

There are a few things that mitigate this impact:

  1. It should be rare that the whole tree will update. First, since Kaon supports custom equality checks and identity checks, it will be possible to prune updates to subtrees when their data hasn't changed. Kaon will play particularly well with immutable data models, much like Om. Second, Kaon can track which properties on an element changed, and update only the portions of the tree which depend on those properties, not the whole tree.
  2. Updates can be flushed synchronously. If we know that no other code will mutate an element, we can reconcile it immediately after applying updates from within Kaon, skipping the microtasks altogether. This should be common: properties might be set on the root of the app, or the root of a section. This will have to schedule a microtask to be sure reconciliation occurs after all mutations, but from within that task all updates to the root's content are performed by Kaon (in observers or templating). Kaon can detect if any content elements perform async layout by default, and flush them in the correct order.


Not Yet Implemented

class MyElement extends KaonElement {
  foo : String;

  bar : Number;

  @observe('foo', 'bar')
  bas(foo, bar) {
    return `foo is ${foo} and bar is ${bar}.`;

Two-way Data-binding

Kaon doesn't currently support two-way data-binding.

Kaon is intended to be used with unidirectional dataflow patterns. Elements that modify data should fire an event which is handled by the owner of the data, applied, and the new state is passed back down the tree. Flux and other unidirectional data-store patterns should be applicable.

Kaon could however fire Polymer compatible property changed event, and so can be compatible with Polymer's two-way data-binding.

Kaon could also listen to such events enabling two-way data-binding. This could be provided via an optional mixin, like the other features.


Building Kaon requires Node 5.x

$ cd kaon
$ yarn install --flat
$ npm run build


There aren't much in the way of demos yet.

Hello World:

Kaon requires an unrelease version of polyserve with the --npm flag.

$ polyserve --npm

Open demo URLs:


Note: Outdated and not working

TodoMVC is not yet complete, and probably requires more work on Kaon to be fully implementable.

$ cd demo/todomvc
$ bower install
$ cd ../../
$ gulp
$ cd build
$ polyserve

Open http://localhost:8080/components/build/demo/todomvc/


Experiments in ES6 and Web Components






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