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Ponce edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 13 revisions

this is a totally unofficial gitted version of repository for slackware 13.0, made by an unrelated slackware user only for having a comfortable way to manage the modified scripts needed to use that repository on slackware current with sbopkg

- master branch will follow repository;
- on current branch will be merged in one commit the modified buildscripts (you can see them in “branches”) I use for my current installations;
- current-with-date tags will be used to indicate a release that can be synced/downloaded as tarball.

if you just want to see the modified code for interested packages (only a few are optional updates) just select the branch from main menu and then click on the commits ids on the right to visualize the patches.

this is the sbopkg queue i use for building my packages.

I’ll gladly accept contributions :D

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