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Try EASL online:


EASL is designed to be small scripting language for integration in online applications.


  • minimal impact on the hosting app.
  • safe. EASL works on own memory environment. It executes only predefined commands.
  • pure. EASL embraces the functional programming paradigm. No side effects.
  • immutable. All variables are immutable by default.
  • powerful. It supports higher order functions, recursion, closure.

Use on server

npm install
npm run build
npm run test

Execute code:

const Easl = require("../bin/easl.js").Easl;
const easl = new Easl();
const code = '  {let lst [1 2 3 4]}
                (list.length lst)    `;
const res = eas.evaluate(code);


Use in browser

<script src="js/easl.js"></script>
    const easl = new Easl();

    const code = '  {let lst [1 2 3 4]}
                    (list.length lst)   `;
    const res = eas.evaluate(code);


EASL is inspired by the scheme language and covers almost all teh scheme base features.


Null can be represented with the keyword null.

Boolean constant

Faulty values are:

 false - reserved keyword,
 null  - reserved keyword,
 []    - an empty list,
 ""    - an empty string,
 0     - zero

Truthy values are:

 true     - reserved keyword,
 [1 2 3]  - a non empty list,
 "hello"  - a non empty string,
 42       - a number. As well as a rela number like 3.14

Value types

boolean  - true, false
number   - 0, 42, 3.14
string   - "Hello World!"
null     - the "null" keyword
lambda   - a function
list     - a list of values in square brackets: [1 2 3] , ["white", "red", "green"]

We can check the type with the predicates:

boolean? - examples: (boolean? true) → true, (boolean? false) → true, (boolean? 42) → false

number? - examples: (number? 0) → true, (number? 3.14) → true, (number? 1-000-000) → true

string? - examples: (string? "") → true, (string? "hello") → true, (string? 42) → false

null? - examples: (null? null) → true, (null? []) → false, (null? 0) → false

function? - !!! To be done

list? - examples: (list? []) → true, (list? [1 (+ 2 3)]) → true

pair? - examples: (pair? [1 2]) → true, (pair? 1) → false

Reserved keywords

Constants:     true, false, null
Types:         number, string, list, function, 
Definition:    let, function, lambda
Condition:     if, else, switch, case
Cycle:         for, break, continue, do, while, default
Builtin proc:  typeof

Variable definition

EASL defines variables with the keyword let.

There are three possible syntax:

Definition and initialization of a variable with a constant value

{let n 5}
{let is-member true}
{let lst [1 2 3 4]}
{let first-name "John"}

Initialization from an expression

{let pi  (/ 22 7)}
{let hello (str.append "Hello "  "world!")}


Named function

Definition: (let func-id (par1 par2 ...) expression, ... )

A function returns the value of the last expression.

We call functions with: (func-id par1 par2)

(let sum (a b)
    (+ a b))
(sum 2 3) ;; → 5


A lambda is a nameless function: {lambda (par1 par2 ...) (expression)}

Yuo can assign a lambda to a variable:

{let sum {lambda (a b) (+ a b)}}
(sum 2 3) ;; → 5

You can call a lambda directly by enclosing it in parenthesis:

({lambda (a b) (+ a b)} 2 3)  ;; → 5

You can use a lambda as a function argument:

{let calc (operation a b)
    (operation a b)}

(calc {lambda (a b) (+ a b)} 2 3)   ;; → 5

A function can return a lambda:

{let make-identity ()
    {lambda (a) (a)}}

(let identity (make-identity))

(identity 5) ;; → 5 


{if (clause) (then-expression) (else-expression) }


   [(clause)  (expression)]
   [(clause)  (expression)]
   [else (expression)]}      


{for (i 0) (< i 10) (+ i 1) expr1 expr2 ...}


EASL defines lists in square brackets. Examples: [1 2 3] - a list of numbers, [ "I" "am" "a" "list" "of" "strings"]. A list can contain values from different types.

List functions:

list.empty - gets an empty list: (list.empty) → []

list.empty? - checks if a list is empty: (list.empty? [1 2 3]) → false, (list.empty? []) → true

list.length - gives the length of a list: (list.length [1 2 3]) → 3

list.first - gets the first element: (list.first [1 2 3]) → 1, (list.first []) → null - gets all elements without the first one: ( [1 2 3]) → [2 3], ( []) → []

list.last - gets the last element: (list.last [1 2 3]) → 3, (list.last []) → []

list.least - gets all elements without the last one: (list.least [1 2 3]) → [1 2], (list.least []) → []

list.add - adds an element to the end: (list.add 4 [1 2 3]) → [1 2 3 4], (list.add 1 []) → [1]

list.push - pushes an element to the beginning of the list: (list.push 0 [1 2 3]) → [0 1 2 3], (list.push 1 []) → [1]

list.has - checks if a list contains an element: (list.has 3 [1 2 3]) → true, (list.has 1 []) → false

list.index - gets the index of an element or -1: (list.index 3 [1 2 3]) → 2, (list.has 1 [3 4 5]) → -1

list.get - gets an element at an index: (list.get 1 [1 2 3]) → 2. The index is within the range of the list.

list.set - sets an element at an index: (list.set [1 2 3] 0 4) → [4 2 3]. (list.set lst index elem) does not modify the list. It returns a new list instead.

list.swap - swaps two elements of a list: (list.swap 0 1 [1 2 3]) → [ 2, 1, 3 ]

list.append - appends lists: (list.append [1 2 3] [4 5 6]) → [1 2 3 4 5 6].

list.slice - gets a subset of a list from index to index (not inclusive): (list.slice 1 3 [1 2 3 4 5 6]) → [2 3].

list.flatten - flattens a nested lists: (list.append [1 2 [3 4] 5 6]) → [1 2 3 4 5 6].

list.join - joins the list elements into a string: (list.join ", " [1 2 3]) → "1, 2, 3".


A string is closed within quotation marks: "Hello World!"

str.lenght - gets the number of characters: (str.length "hello") → 5

str.concat - concatenates two strings: (str.concat "Hello " "world!") → "Hello world!"


str.has - returns true if the string contains substring. (str.has "lo" "hello") → true




numb.parse - converts string to number. Returns null if the string cannot be converted











