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Encodes the concept of disjoint union concerning JSON conversion as a finite-state machine.

Consider a set union A ∪ B. There are three states we are interested in:

  • Left - the set A that encompasses all possibilities of the left-hand side type.

  • UnresolvedRight - the set B that encompasses all possibilities of the right-hand side type.

  • Right - the set difference B \ A that encompasses possibilities of the right-hand side type while excludes overlaps with the left-hand side.

A Disjoint<A, B> of this library can either be Left<A> or Right<A, B>. It describes the union of type A and B \ A, and is the desired form that can be accessed through a side resolution.

A Union<A, B>, which can either be Disjoint<A, B> or UnresolvedRight<B>, is the free form. Left<A> and UnresolvedRight<B> can be constructed through provided factory methods. An UnresolvedRight<B> can be then resolved to Left<A> or Right<A, B>, depends on its serialized value.

Only Jackson is supported currently.


It is recommended to apply StrictScalarModule provided together by this repository.

repositories {
dependencies {
  // `Disjoint` data types with codecs
  implementation("io.github.portfoligno.disjoint", "disjoint", VERSION)

  // `StrictScalarModule`
  implementation("io.github.portfoligno.disjoint", "jackson-strict-scalar", VERSION)

Basic Usage

ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper().registerModule(new StrictScalarModule());
out.println(m.readValue("\"hello\"", new TypeReference<Disjoint<Integer, String>>() { })); // right(hello)
out.println(m.readValue("1.5", new TypeReference<Disjoint<Integer, Double>>() { })); // right(1.5)
out.println(m.readValue("1.0", new TypeReference<Disjoint<Integer, Double>>() { })); // left(1)

// Without `StrictScalarModule`
ObjectMapper m1 = new ObjectMapper().configure(ALLOW_COERCION_OF_SCALARS, false);
out.println(m1.readValue("1.5", new TypeReference<Disjoint<Integer, Double>>() { })); // left(1)
out.println(m1.readValue("1.0", new TypeReference<Disjoint<Integer, Double>>() { })); // left(1)