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Utility for statistics collection for different projects. C#, Java and PHP supported for now.


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Utility for statistics collection for different projects. At present time C#, Java and PHP supported.

Build Status and Artifacts

PT.SourceStats Build Status

Command Line Arguments

  • -f, --files - path to directory for statistics collecting.
  • --mt - multithread processing. By default: false.
  • --log-level - log level. Available values:
    • All - progress + error + result messages (by default).
    • Errors - error + result messages.
    • Result - result messages only.
  • --start - file index for scan files. Calculated for file name string array which returned from standart Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); method. By default: 0.
  • --length - number of scan files. By default: 0 - all files included in scan.
  • --out-dir - directory of output PT.SourceStats.json file. By default not saved.
  • -v, --version - version of PT.PM and PT.SourceStats (usually they differs by build number, the last number).
  • ?, --help - print to console info about command line parameters.



  • File count in project.
  • Source code files count (.java, .class, .jsp): common + per extension.
  • Number of source code lines (.java, .class, .jsp): commont + per extension.
  • Wheather .xhtml files exists?
  • Dependency plugins: maven, gradle, iby, ant.
  • Build tools: ant, maven, gradle.
  • Used libraries (jar) and their versions.
  • CVE list.
  • Config weakness.


  • composer.json, composer.lock and php.ini files content.
    • Invoke function names.
    • Include file names.
  • Strings from .htaccess which starts from php_value, php_flag, RewriteCond and RewriteRule


  • Solution structure (sln and csproj files relative location).
  • Projects list which included in solution (name and GUID).
  • For every project:
    • GUID (see description in List of Visual Studio Project Type GUIDs).
    • Framework version.
    • References list.
    • Nuget dependencies.
    • Number of files.
    • Number of source code files (.cs, .aspx, .cshtml, .ashx, ascx): common + per extension.
    • CLOC (Count Lines of Code): common + per extension.
  • CVE list.
  • Config weakness.

Message Format

JSON.NET is used for messages serialization/deserialization.

Message Samples

Progress Message

  "MessageType": "Progress",
  "ProcessedCount": 134,
  "TotalCount": 557,
  "LastFileName": "Z:\\PHP\\dvwa\\external\\phpids\\0.6\\docs\\phpdocumentor\\blank.html"

Error Message

  "MessageType": "Error",
  "Message": "Parsing error in \"Z:\\PHP\\mutillidae\\includes\\header.php\": no viable alternative at input '<html>\\r\\n<head>\\r\\n\\t<meta content=\"text/html; charset=us-ascii\" http-equiv=\"content-type\">\\r\\n\\r\\n ... \\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t}else{\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t<a href=\"#\">Setup/reset the DB (Disabled: Not Admin)</a></' at 591:65."

Result Message

  "MessageType": "Result",
  "Directory": "C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Proj",
  "ErrorCount": 0,
  "LanguageStatistics": [
      "Language": "Php",
      "FilesContent": {
        "C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Proj\\dvwa\\php.ini": "; This file attempts to overwrite the original php.ini file. Doesnt always work.\r\n\r\nmagic_quotes_gpc = Off\r\nallow_url_fopen on\r\nallow_url_include on"
      "HtaccessStrings": [
        "php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off",
        "php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off"
      "ClassUsings": {
        "ids_monitor": 45,
        "ids_log_composite": 3,
        "intrusion": 1,
        "exception": 24,
        "pdo": 2,
        "pdoexception": 1,
        "invalidargumentexception": 7,
        "arrayobject": 2,
        "htmlpurifier": 3,
        "memcache": 1,
        "ids_filter": 24,
        "htmlpurifier_strategy_core": 1,
        "class": 7,
        "ids_filter_storage": 2,
        "ids_report": 5,
        "ids_event": 11,
        "htmlpurifier_childdef_required": 1,
        "htmlpurifier_attrdef_integer": 4,
        "tidy": 1,
        "reflectionmethod": 1,
        "htmlpurifier_attrdef_css_multiple": 6,
        "htmlpurifier_attrdef_css_composite": 13,
        "stdclass": 2,
        "htmlpurifier_varparser": 2,
        "htmlpurifier_attrtypes": 1,
        "htmlpurifier_doctyperegistry": 1,
        "module": 1,
        "csstidy": 1,
        "htmlpurifier_attrtransform_imgrequired": 1,
        "htmlpurifier_stringhash": 2,
        "htmlpurifier_configschema_interchange_namespace": 1,
        "phpunit_framework_testsuite": 1,
        "htmlpurifier_tokenfactory": 1,
        "domdocument": 2,
        "xml_htmlsax3": 1,
        "domdocumenttype": 1,
        "htmlpurifier_strategy_removeforeignelements": 1,
        "htmlpurifier_strategy_makewellformed": 1,
        "htmlpurifier_strategy_fixnesting": 1,
        "htmlpurifier_strategy_validateattributes": 1,
        "injector": 2
      "MethodInvocations": {
        "define": 36,
        "dvwaphpidsversionget": 2,
        "array": 471,
        "dvwapagestartup": 22,
        "dvwapagenewgrab": 19,
        "dvwareadidslog": 1,
        "dvwaclearidslog": 1,
        "isset": 320,
        "array_key_exists": 4,
        "file_get_contents": 14,
        "preg_replace_callback": 10,
        "defined": 5,
        "in_array": 42,
        "setcookie": 3,
        "strip_tags": 8,
        "htmlspecialchars": 36,
        "pg_connect": 4,
        "mysql_fetch_row": 1,
        "file": 1,
        "explode": 58,
        "str_replace": 44,
        "urldecode": 3,
        "fopen": 7,
        "strpos": 43,
        "substr": 84,
        "join": 6,
        "trim": 55,
        "rawurlencode": 1,
        "ksort": 8,
        "rtrim": 16,
        "realpath": 1,
        "strtoupper": 4,
        "htmlpurifier_bootstrap::getpath": 1,
        "strncmp": 4,
        "spl_autoload_functions": 1,
        "spl_autoload_unregister": 1,
        "array_pop": 57,
        "set_error_handler": 4,
        "iconv": 5,
        "restore_error_handler": 7,
        "array_flip": 5,
        "parent::__construct": 5,
        "parent::validate": 10,
        "ctype_xdigit": 5,
        "is_float": 1,
        "is_bool": 4,
        "parent::offsetget": 1,
        "feof": 3,
        "fgets": 2,
        "ctype_digit": 6,
        "ctype_alpha": 4,
        "ctype_alnum": 4,
        "parent::getchilddef": 1,
        "pack": 1,
        "htmlentities": 4,
        "dvwahelphtmlecho": 1,
        "highlight_string": 4,
        "dvwasourcehtmlecho": 2,
        "array_diff": 1
      "Includes": {
        "dvwa_web_page_to_root.dvwa/includes/": 22,
        "dvwa_web_page_to_root.dvwa/includes/dbms/mysql.php": 1,
        "dvwa_web_page_to_root.dvwa/includes/dbms/pgsql.php": 1,
        "ids/init.php": 7,
        "ids/log/file.php": 2,
        "ids/log/composite.php": 2,
        "dvwa_web_page_to_root.config/": 1,
        "": 1,
        "ids/caching/interface.php": 4,
        "path": 1,
        "htmlpurifier.php": 1,
        "htmlpurifier/attrcollections.php": 1,
        "htmlpurifier/bootstrap.php": 2,
        "htmlpurifier/definition.php": 1,
        "htmlpurifier/cssdefinition.php": 1,
        "htmlpurifier/childdef.php": 1,
        "ids/monitor.php": 3,
        "ids/filter/storage.php": 3,
        "ids/caching/factory.php": 3,
        "ids/filter.php": 4,
        "ids/log/interface.php": 4,
        "ids/report.php": 3,
        "ids/event.php": 4,
        "ids/converter.php": 1,
        "htmlpurifier.autoload.php": 1,
        "htmlpurifier_prefix./.file": 1,
        "filename": 1,
        "phpunit/framework/testsuite.php": 1,
        "phpunit/textui/testrunner.php": 1,
        "phpunit/util/filter.php": 1,
        "ids/monitortest.php": 1,
        "ids/reporttest.php": 1,
        "ids/inittest.php": 1,
        "ids/exceptiontest.php": 1,
        "ids/filtertest.php": 1,
        "ids/cachingtest.php": 1,
        "ids/eventtest.php": 1,
        "phpunit/framework/testcase.php": 7,
      "Language": "Java",
      "FilesCount": 5938,
      "SourceFilesCount": 1258,
      "JavaFilesCount": 462,
      "ClassFilesCount": 632,
      "JspFilesCount": 164,
      "JavaLinesCount": 122499,
      "SourceCodeLinesCount": 178975,
      "ClassLinesCount": 45413,
      "JspLinesCount": 11063,
      "XHtmlFileCount": 0,
      "DependencyManagers": [
      "BuildTools": [
      "Dependencies": [
      "Language": "CSharp"


Utility for statistics collection for different projects. C#, Java and PHP supported for now.








No releases published


