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feat: add one to one relationship for embedding
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BREAKING CHANGE: For the cases where one to one relationships are
detected, json objects will be returned instead of json arrays of length

If you wish to override this behavior, you can use computed
relationships to return arrays again.
  • Loading branch information
steve-chavez committed Aug 19, 2022
1 parent 2afe13f commit c45e85c
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Showing 15 changed files with 332 additions and 38 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
+ Different options for the plan can be used with the `options` parameter: `Accept: application/vnd.pgrst.plan; options=analyze|verbose|settings|buffers|wal`
+ The plan can be obtained in text or json by using different media type suffixes: `Accept: application/vnd.pgrst.plan+text` and `Accept: application/vnd.pgrst.plan+json`.
- #2144, Allow extending/overriding relationships for resource embedding - @steve-chavez
- #1984, Detect one-to-one relationships for resource embedding - @steve-chavez
+ Detected when there's a foreign key with a unique constraint or when a foreign key is also a primary key

### Fixed

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
+ This embedding form was easily made ambiguous whenever a new view was added.
+ For migrating, clients must be updated to the embedding form of `/view?select=*,other_view!column(*)`.
- #2312, Using `Prefer: return=representation` no longer returns a `Location` header - @laurenceisla
- #1984, For the cases where one to one relationships are detected, json objects will be returned instead of json arrays of length 1
+ If you wish to override this behavior, you can use computed relationships to return arrays again

## [9.0.1] - 2022-06-03

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90 changes: 61 additions & 29 deletions src/PostgREST/DbStructure.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ queryDbStructure schemas extraSearchPath prepared = do
pgVer <- SQL.statement mempty pgVersionStatement
tabs <- SQL.statement schemas $ allTables pgVer prepared
keyDeps <- SQL.statement (schemas, extraSearchPath) $ allViewsKeyDependencies prepared
m2oRels <- SQL.statement mempty $ allM2ORels pgVer prepared
m2oRels <- SQL.statement mempty $ allM2OandO2ORels pgVer prepared
procs <- SQL.statement schemas $ allProcs pgVer prepared
cRels <- SQL.statement mempty $ allComputedRels prepared

let tabsWViewsPks = addViewPrimaryKeys tabs keyDeps
rels = addO2MRels $ addM2MRels tabsWViewsPks $ addViewM2ORels keyDeps m2oRels
rels = addInverseRels $ addM2MRels tabsWViewsPks $ addViewM2OAndO2ORels keyDeps m2oRels

return $ removeInternal schemas $ DbStructure {
dbTables = tabsWViewsPks
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,14 +163,15 @@ decodeRels :: HD.Result [Relationship]
decodeRels =
HD.rowList relRow
relRow =
Relationship <$>
relRow = (\(qi1, qi2, isSelf, constr, cols, isOneToOne) -> Relationship qi1 qi2 isSelf ((if isOneToOne then O2O else M2O) constr cols) False False) <$> row
row =
(,,,,,) <$>
(QualifiedIdentifier <$> column HD.text <*> column HD.text) <*>
(QualifiedIdentifier <$> column HD.text <*> column HD.text) <*>
column HD.bool <*>
(M2O <$> column HD.text <*> compositeArrayColumn ((,) <$> compositeField HD.text <*> compositeField HD.text)) <*>
pure False <*>
pure False
column HD.text <*>
compositeArrayColumn ((,) <$> compositeField HD.text <*> compositeField HD.text) <*>
column HD.bool

decodeViewKeyDeps :: HD.Result [ViewKeyDependency]
decodeViewKeyDeps =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -337,9 +338,9 @@ accessibleTables pgVer =
sql = tablesSqlQuery False pgVer

Adds M2O relationships for views to tables, tables to views, and views to views. The example below is taken from the test fixtures, but the views names/colnames were modified.
Adds M2O and O2O relationships for views to tables, tables to views, and views to views. The example below is taken from the test fixtures, but the views names/colnames were modified.
--allM2ORels sample query result--
--allM2OandO2ORels sample query result--
private | personnages | private | actors | personnages_role_id_fkey | {"(role_id,id)"}
--allViewsKeyDependencies sample query result--
Expand All @@ -351,32 +352,37 @@ test | personnages_view | private | actors | personnage
private | personnages | test | actors_view | personnages_role_id_fkey | f_ref | {"(role_id,actorId)"} | tableViewM2O
test | personnages_view | test | actors_view | personnages_role_id_fkey | f,r_ref | {"(roleId,actorId)"} | viewViewM2O
addViewM2ORels :: [ViewKeyDependency] -> [Relationship] -> [Relationship]
addViewM2ORels keyDeps rels =
addViewM2OAndO2ORels :: [ViewKeyDependency] -> [Relationship] -> [Relationship]
addViewM2OAndO2ORels keyDeps rels =
rels ++ concat (viewRels <$> rels)
viewRels Relationship{relTable,relForeignTable,relCardinality=M2O cons relColumns} =
isM2O card = case card of {M2O _ _ -> True; _ -> False;}
isO2O card = case card of {O2O _ _ -> True; _ -> False;}
viewRels Relationship{relTable,relForeignTable,relCardinality=card} =
if isM2O card || isO2O card then
viewTableM2Os = filter (\ViewKeyDependency{keyDepTable, keyDepCons, keyDepType} -> keyDepTable == relTable && keyDepCons == cons && keyDepType == FKDep) keyDeps
tableViewM2Os = filter (\ViewKeyDependency{keyDepTable, keyDepCons, keyDepType} -> keyDepTable == relForeignTable && keyDepCons == cons && keyDepType == FKDepRef) keyDeps
cons = relCons card
relCols = relColumns card
viewTableRels = filter (\ViewKeyDependency{keyDepTable, keyDepCons, keyDepType} -> keyDepTable == relTable && keyDepCons == cons && keyDepType == FKDep) keyDeps
tableViewRels = filter (\ViewKeyDependency{keyDepTable, keyDepCons, keyDepType} -> keyDepTable == relForeignTable && keyDepCons == cons && keyDepType == FKDepRef) keyDeps
[ Relationship
(keyDepView vwTbl)
(M2O cons $ zipWith (\(_, vCol) (_, fCol)-> (vCol, fCol)) (keyDepCols vwTbl) relColumns)
((if isM2O card then M2O else O2O) cons $ zipWith (\(_, vCol) (_, fCol)-> (vCol, fCol)) (keyDepCols vwTbl) relCols)
| vwTbl <- viewTableM2Os ]
| vwTbl <- viewTableRels ]
[ Relationship
(keyDepView tblVw)
(M2O cons $ zipWith (\(tCol, _) (_, vCol) -> (tCol, vCol)) relColumns (keyDepCols tblVw))
((if isM2O card then M2O else O2O) cons $ zipWith (\(tCol, _) (_, vCol) -> (tCol, vCol)) relCols (keyDepCols tblVw))
| tblVw <- tableViewM2Os ]
| tblVw <- tableViewRels ]
Expand All @@ -387,17 +393,19 @@ addViewM2ORels keyDeps rels =
(vw1 == vw2)
(M2O cons $ zipWith (\(_, vcol1) (_, vcol2) -> (vcol1, vcol2)) (keyDepCols vwTbl) (keyDepCols tblVw))
((if isM2O card then M2O else O2O) cons $ zipWith (\(_, vcol1) (_, vcol2) -> (vcol1, vcol2)) (keyDepCols vwTbl) (keyDepCols tblVw))
| vwTbl <- viewTableM2Os
, tblVw <- tableViewM2Os ]
| vwTbl <- viewTableRels
, tblVw <- tableViewRels ]
else []
viewRels _ = []

addO2MRels :: [Relationship] -> [Relationship]
addO2MRels rels = rels ++ [ Relationship ft t isSelf (O2M cons (swap <$> cols)) fTableIsView tableIsView
| Relationship t ft isSelf (M2O cons cols) tableIsView fTableIsView <- rels ]
addInverseRels :: [Relationship] -> [Relationship]
addInverseRels rels =
rels ++
[ Relationship ft t isSelf (O2M cons (swap <$> cols)) fTableIsView tableIsView | Relationship t ft isSelf (M2O cons cols) tableIsView fTableIsView <- rels ] ++
[ Relationship ft t isSelf (O2O cons (swap <$> cols)) fTableIsView tableIsView | Relationship t ft isSelf (O2O cons cols) tableIsView fTableIsView <- rels ]

-- | Adds a m2m relationship if a table has FKs to two other tables and the FK columns are part of the PK columns
addM2MRels :: TablesMap -> [Relationship] -> [Relationship]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -634,22 +642,45 @@ tablesSqlQuery getAll pgVer =
relIsPartition = if pgVer >= pgVersion100 then " AND not c.relispartition " else mempty

allM2ORels :: PgVersion -> Bool -> SQL.Statement () [Relationship]
allM2ORels pgVer =

-- | Gets many-to-one relationships and one-to-one(O2O) relationships, which are a refinement of the many-to-one's
allM2OandO2ORels :: PgVersion -> Bool -> SQL.Statement () [Relationship]
allM2OandO2ORels pgVer =
SQL.Statement sql HE.noParams decodeRels
-- We use jsonb_agg for comparing the uniques/pks instead of array_agg to avoid the ERROR: cannot accumulate arrays of different dimensionality
sql = [q|
pks_uniques_cols AS (
jsonb_agg(column_info.cols) as cols
FROM pg_constraint
JOIN lateral (
SELECT array_agg(cols.attname order by cols.attnum) as cols
FROM ( select unnest(conkey) as col) _
JOIN pg_attribute cols on cols.attrelid = conrelid and cols.attnum = col
) column_info ON TRUE
contype IN ('p', 'u') and
connamespace::regnamespace::text <> 'pg_catalog'
GROUP BY connamespace, conrelid
ns1.nspname AS table_schema,
tab.relname AS table_name,
ns2.nspname AS foreign_table_schema,
other.relname AS foreign_table_name,
(ns1.nspname, tab.relname) = (ns2.nspname, other.relname) AS is_self,
traint.conname AS constraint_name,
(column_info.cols IN (SELECT * FROM jsonb_array_elements(pks_uqs.cols))) AS one_to_one
FROM pg_constraint traint
SELECT array_agg(row(cols.attname, refs.attname) order by cols.attnum) AS cols_and_fcols
array_agg(row(cols.attname, refs.attname) order by cols.attnum) AS cols_and_fcols,
jsonb_agg(cols.attname order by cols.attnum) AS cols
FROM ( SELECT unnest(traint.conkey) AS col, unnest(traint.confkey) AS ref) _
JOIN pg_attribute cols ON cols.attrelid = traint.conrelid AND cols.attnum = col
JOIN pg_attribute refs ON refs.attrelid = traint.confrelid AND refs.attnum = ref
Expand All @@ -658,6 +689,7 @@ allM2ORels pgVer =
JOIN pg_class tab ON tab.oid = traint.conrelid
JOIN pg_class other ON other.oid = traint.confrelid
JOIN pg_namespace ns2 ON ns2.oid = other.relnamespace
LEFT JOIN pks_uniques_cols pks_uqs ON pks_uqs.connamespace = traint.connamespace AND pks_uqs.conrelid = traint.conrelid
WHERE traint.contype = 'f'
|] <>
(if pgVer >= pgVersion110
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/PostgREST/DbStructure/Relationship.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,12 +37,13 @@ data Relationship = Relationship

-- | The relationship cardinality
-- |
-- TODO: missing one-to-one
data Cardinality
= O2M {relCons :: FKConstraint, relColumns :: [(FieldName, FieldName)]}
-- ^ one-to-many
| M2O {relCons :: FKConstraint, relColumns :: [(FieldName, FieldName)]}
-- ^ many-to-one
| O2O {relCons :: FKConstraint, relColumns :: [(FieldName, FieldName)]}
-- ^ one-to-one, this is a refinement over M2O so operating on it is pretty much the same as M2O
| M2M Junction
-- ^ many-to-many
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, JSON.ToJSON)
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/PostgREST/Error.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -188,6 +188,10 @@ compressedRel Relationship{..} =
"cardinality" .= ("many-to-one" :: Text)
, "relationship" .= (cons <> " using " <> qiName relTable <> fmtEls (fst <$> relColumns) <> " and " <> qiName relForeignTable <> fmtEls (snd <$> relColumns))
O2O cons relColumns -> [
"cardinality" .= ("one-to-one" :: Text)
, "relationship" .= (cons <> " using " <> qiName relTable <> fmtEls (fst <$> relColumns) <> " and " <> qiName relForeignTable <> fmtEls (snd <$> relColumns))
O2M cons relColumns -> [
"cardinality" .= ("one-to-many" :: Text)
, "relationship" .= (cons <> " using " <> qiName relTable <> fmtEls (fst <$> relColumns) <> " and " <> qiName relForeignTable <> fmtEls (snd <$> relColumns))
Expand All @@ -201,6 +205,7 @@ relHint rels = T.intercalate ", " (hintList <$> rels)
case relCardinality of
M2M Junction{..} -> buildHint (qiName junTable)
M2O cons _ -> buildHint cons
O2O cons _ -> buildHint cons
O2M cons _ -> buildHint cons
-- An ambiguousness error cannot happen for computed relationships TODO refactor so this mempty is not needed
hintList ComputedRelationship{} = mempty
Expand Down
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/PostgREST/Query/QueryBuilder.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,14 +64,16 @@ getSelectsJoins rr@(Node (_, (name, Just rel, alias, _, joinType, _)) _) (select
internalTableName = pgFmtIdent $ "_" <> locTblName
correlatedSubquery sub al cond =
(if joinType == Just JTInner then "INNER" else "LEFT") <> " JOIN LATERAL ( " <> sub <> " ) AS " <> SQL.sql al <> " ON " <> cond
(sel, joi) = case rel of
Relationship{relCardinality=M2O _ _} ->
isToOne = case rel of
Relationship{relCardinality=M2O _ _} -> True
Relationship{relCardinality=O2O _ _} -> True
ComputedRelationship{relToOne=True} -> True
_ -> False
(sel, joi) = if isToOne
( SQL.sql ("row_to_json(" <> localTableName <> ".*) AS " <> pgFmtIdent aliasOrName)
, correlatedSubquery subquery localTableName "TRUE")
ComputedRelationship{relToOne=True} ->
( SQL.sql ("row_to_json(" <> localTableName <> ".*) AS " <> pgFmtIdent aliasOrName)
, correlatedSubquery subquery localTableName "TRUE")
_ ->
( SQL.sql $ "COALESCE( " <> localTableName <> "." <> internalTableName <> ", '[]') AS " <> pgFmtIdent aliasOrName
, correlatedSubquery (
"SELECT json_agg(" <> SQL.sql internalTableName <> ") AS " <> SQL.sql internalTableName <>
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/PostgREST/Request/DbRequestBuilder.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -149,6 +149,8 @@ addJoinConditions previousAlias (Node (query@Select{fromAlias=tblAlias}, nodePro
toJoinCondition previousAlias tblAlias tN ftN <$> cols
M2O _ cols ->
toJoinCondition previousAlias tblAlias tN ftN <$> cols
O2O _ cols ->
toJoinCondition previousAlias tblAlias tN ftN <$> cols
toJoinCondition :: Maybe Alias -> Maybe Alias -> Text -> Text -> (FieldName, FieldName) -> JoinCondition
toJoinCondition prAl newAl tb ftb (c, fc) =
let qi1 = QualifiedIdentifier tSchema ftb
Expand All @@ -171,14 +173,17 @@ findRel schema allRels origin target hint =
matchFKSingleCol hint_ card = case card of
O2M _ [(col, _)] -> hint_ == col
M2O _ [(col, _)] -> hint_ == col
O2O _ [(col, _)] -> hint_ == col
_ -> False
matchFKRefSingleCol hint_ card = case card of
O2M _ [(_, fCol)] -> hint_ == fCol
M2O _ [(_, fCol)] -> hint_ == fCol
O2O _ [(_, fCol)] -> hint_ == fCol
_ -> False
matchConstraint tar card = case card of
O2M cons _ -> tar == cons
M2O cons _ -> tar == cons
O2O cons _ -> tar == cons
_ -> False
matchJunction hint_ card = case card of
M2M Junction{junTable} -> hint_ == qiName junTable
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -364,6 +369,7 @@ returningCols rr@(Node _ forest) pkCols
fkCols = concat $ mapMaybe (\case
Node (_, (_, Just Relationship{relCardinality=O2M _ cols}, _, _, _, _)) _ -> Just $ fst <$> cols
Node (_, (_, Just Relationship{relCardinality=M2O _ cols}, _, _, _, _)) _ -> Just $ fst <$> cols
Node (_, (_, Just Relationship{relCardinality=O2O _ cols}, _, _, _, _)) _ -> Just $ fst <$> cols
Node (_, (_, Just Relationship{relCardinality=M2M Junction{junColumns1, junColumns2}}, _, _, _, _)) _ -> Just $ (fst <$> junColumns1) ++ (fst <$> junColumns2)
_ -> Nothing
) forest
Expand Down
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion test/spec/Feature/Query/ComputedRelsSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,10 +92,18 @@ spec = describe "computed relationships" $ do
]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] }

it "can override detected relationships" $ do
it "can override many-to-one and one-to-many relationships" $ do
get "/videogames?select=*,designers!inner(*)"
[json|[]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] }
get "/designers?select=*,videogames!inner(*)"
[json|[]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] }

it "can override one-to-one relationships(would give disambiguation errors otherwise)" $ do
get "/first_1?select=*,second_1(*)"
[json|[]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] }
get "/second_1?select=*,first_1(*)"
[json|[]|] { matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] }
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions test/spec/Feature/Query/DeleteSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,6 +78,32 @@ spec =
, matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "*/*"]

it "embeds an O2O relationship after delete" $ do
request methodDelete "/students?id=eq.1&select=name,students_info(address)"
[("Prefer", "return=representation")] ""
"name": "John Doe",
"students_info":{"address":"Street 1"}
{ matchStatus = 200,
matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]
request methodDelete "/students_info?id=eq.1&select=address,students(name)"
[("Prefer", "return=representation")] ""
"address": "Street 1",
"students":{"name": "John Doe"}
{ matchStatus = 200,
matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]

context "known route, no records matched" $
it "includes [] body if return=rep" $
request methodDelete "/items?id=eq.101"
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions test/spec/Feature/Query/EmbedDisambiguationSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -106,6 +106,20 @@ spec =
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]

it "errs on an ambiguous embed that has two one-to-one relationships" $
get "/first?select=second(*)" `shouldRespondWith`
[json| {
{"cardinality":"one-to-one","embedding":"first with second","relationship":"first_second_id_1_fkey using first(second_id_1) and second(id)"},
{"cardinality":"one-to-one","embedding":"first with second","relationship":"first_second_id_2_fkey using first(second_id_2) and second(id)"}
"hint":"Try changing 'second' to one of the following: 'second!first_second_id_1_fkey', 'second!first_second_id_2_fkey'. Find the desired relationship in the 'details' key.","message":"Could not embed because more than one relationship was found for 'first' and 'second'"
{ matchStatus = 300
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]

context "disambiguating requests with embed hints" $ do

context "using FK to specify the relationship" $ do
Expand Down

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