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Airbnb Clone

Today we start a 1 week group project in which we will try to create a working clone of Airbnb.

Keep in mind:

  • One week is not enough to complete a real airbnb clone project
  • it's the first time that you work in a team as web developers

This said, it's really important to try to create a clear schema of how you want to proceed and to define a basic goal.

This goal is to have a working application with the basic features that make the App worth using. This is called an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

If you finish the MVP before the end of the week you can add more features to it.

Steps for Day 1

Today it is really important to define the main features of the MVP.

If we have a clear goal, divided in tasks and we have defined the roles of the team, it will be easy to work well together.

If the tasks, the roles and the main features aren't clear, it will be really difficult to work together and create a working App.

Before we start: Define the Roles

Define the roles of the team:

  • Project manager, makes sure that the tasks are well defined on Trello and that everyone knows which tasks they have for the day
  • Code reviewers, checks all the pull requests and merges them (2 poeple)
  • Design Manager, is responsible for choosing the colors and the design rules that all the frontend pages have to follow

Step 1: User stories - all together

Define the main features of the MVP through User Stories.

User stories:

  • A user can see all flats
  • A user (owner) can post a flat
  • A user can book a flat
  • A user (owner) can see all bookings

While you brainstorm them, add them in this spreadsheet

Once you defined them ask a teacher to review them together.

Step 2: Figma - all together

Based on the User Stories, create a basic design on figma and make it into a prototype.

Once you are done ask a teacher to review it together.

Step 3: DB Design - all together

Based on the main features and the figma, create the DB schema design on

Once you are done ask a teacher to review it together.

Step 4: Trello - all together

Create the Trello board with the user stories, the tasks and the roles of the team.

You can start by using this template

Once you are done ask a teacher to review it together.

Every day you will have to review the tasks and add/modify tasks.

Step 5

One person needs to create the Airbnb-clone App with the command:

yarn create next-app -e airbnb-clone
cd airbnb-clone

Add the link to the trello board in the Readme and the DB schema in the database folder.

Then push it to Github and add all the team-members as collaborators of the project.

gh repo create --public --push --source=. # will create a public repo on GitHub

Step 6

Create the migrations and the models for the application.

Step 7

Start creating all the pages that you need with inside just an h1 with the name of the page.

Do not add any code to them except fot the h1.

For example the first page would be pages/index.js and it will show <h1>Homepage<h1/>.

Step 8

Create buttons in the pages to connect all the pages together like a prototype.

Conclusion of the day

At the end of the day make sure that everything is pushed to a branch on github.

If you have time you can also start merging the different branches on master. Otherwise leave it to the next day and add it as a task to the Trello board.

In the beginning of the day after you will discuss the tasks to be done and assign tasks to the members.


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