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Settings files

Greg Schivley edited this page May 2, 2024 · 7 revisions

Creating your settings file(s)

Settings parameters for PowerGenome are defined in one or more YAML files. The sections below follow the multi-file format provided as an example. Many parameters are independent of each other, but some will need to be modified depending on the technologies or model regions that you choose.

Model definition

The first decisions to make when settings up a system are (1) define the geographic model regions and (2) set the planning periods. Model regions (model_regions) consist of one or more IPM Regions. If a model region is composed of multiple IPM regions, it should be defined in region_aggregations.

NOTE: The model_regions are used in many settings parameters. Most are (hopefully) obvious, but it is important to include any aggregated regions in the parameters cost_multiplier_region_map and aeo_fuel_region_map.

Planning periods are defined by the parameters model_year and model_first_planning_year. The model year is used to calculate hourly demand, fuel prices, and existing generators (if any are retired due to age). Costs for new-build resources in each planning period are determined using the full span from the first year of a planning period through the model year.

Additional parameters that are important when defining a model include the dollar year that all costs should be converted to (target_usd_year) and the timezone that generation/demand will be presented in (utc_offset). For reference, the Eastern time zone is UTC -5 and Pacific is UTC -8.

Extra inputs

Some inputs for PowerGenome are supplied in extra CSV files, stored in the extra_inputs folder (at the same directory level as the settings).


PowerGenome is set up to provide inputs for multiple scenarios/cases. scenario_descriptions_fn defines the scenarios that are used to vary parameter values in each model year.

NOTE: The scenario description file has a "year" column that corresponds to values in the model_year parameter, and a "case_id" column that will be used to name output folders.`

User supplied time series

Users can supply time series data for distributed generation profiles(distributed_gen_profiles_fn), flexible demand resources (demand_response_fn), and load (regional_load_fn) for each region. PowerGenome can supply all inputs except for distributed generation profiles.

NOTE: Any user supplied time series data will need to align with the model regions specified in model_regions.

If regional demand is supplied by the user and it already includes the flexible/demand response load, then the parameter regional_load_includes_demand_response should be set to true.


PowerGenome doesn't supply all inputs for generator operations. Parameters such as the minimum power for new resources, ramp rates, and minimum up/down time are provided in misc_gen_inputs_fn. Any capacity limits for resources within each region and any interconnection distance/cost is in capacity_limit_spur_fn.

NOTE: These files depend on the generator technologies listed in atb_new_gen, modified_atb_new_gen and additional_technologies.


  • emission_policies_fn: A combination of energy share requirements (ESR) -- a generic category that covers RPS/CES type policies -- and emission limits.
  • demand_segments_fn: Includes the value of lost load and segmentation of demand based on willingness to curtail.
  • genx_settings_folder: The location of settings files for GenX.
  • reserves_fn: A file with regulation and reserve requirements already formatted for GenX.

NOTE: The emission policies file depends on the model_year parameter, the case IDs in scenario_definitions_fn, and the model_region parameter. The case_id column can be set to "all" if policies apply to all cases.


Existing generators

Users should start by selecting the EIA 923/860 data year(s) (data_years) to use -- it's fine to only use the most recent year of data available -- and the type of capacity (capacity_col). Capacity types match the column names in PUDL (capacity_mw, winter_capacity_mw, or summer_capacity_mw).

Existing generating units are clustered within each region, with the default number of clusters specified in num_clusters. Technologies not included in this list will not be included in the outputs. If you want all units included in the outputs, list None (~) instead of a number. The number of clusters in individual model regions is specified in alt_num_clusters.

If you want to combine technologies (maybe each individual technology has very little capacity), technology groups can be defined in tech_groups. Be sure to set group_technologies to true. The grouping can be disabled in some regions using the parameter regional_no_grouping.

NOTE: Custom named groupings of EIA technologies created in tech_groups will need to be added to other parameters such as tech_fuel_map, eia_atb_tech_map, and model_tag_values.

If you want to de-rate the capacity of a technology by its historical capacity factor (e.g. as part of creating a must-run resource), list the technologies under both capacity_factor_tech and derate_techs, set derate_capacity to true, and select the data years for calculating capacity factor under capacity_factor_default_year_filter. Alternative years can be specified for technologies using alt_year_filters.

Operation and maintenance costs

Most O&M costs are assigned using data from NEMS. O&M costs for technologies that are not included in the NEMS report are calculated using NREL ATB data. ATB O&M costs are multiplied by the ratio of heat rates between the generating unit and the ATB technology from the year atb_existing_year. EIA technologies are mapped to ATB technologies in eia_atb_tech_map (if a list of technologies are mapped, the first technology is used).


Some regions treat large hydroelectric generators differently from smaller hydro. The boolean parameter small_hydro can be used to label plants with capacity less than or equal to small_hydro_mw in small_hydro_regions as small hydro rather than conventional hydro.

GenX uses a parameter for the ratio of energy to power at hydro resources. The parameters hydro_factor and regional_hydro_factor are used to calculate this ratio. The average inflow rate (0-1) in each region is multiplied by the hydro factor to determine the rated number of hours of reservoir hydro storage at peak discharge power output.

The storage duration for hydroelectric pumped storage is entered in the more generic energy_storage_duration paramter, which can be used for any existing technology.

Proposed generators, battery energy capacity (MWh), and other updated information

PowerGenome uses annual EIA data in the PUDL database for information on existing generators, which can be out of date in some cases (e.g. fossil fuel retirements or wind/solar/battery additions). Additionally, the PUDL database does not have energy capacity data for existing batteries. EIA 860m (monthly) data can be used to identify recently announced retirements, newly proposed generators, and battery energy storage capacity. The version of 860m is specified using eia_860m_fn. If eia_860m_fn is set to None ("~") or not included, the newest version of 860m will be used. Only proposed plants with status codes listed under proposed_status_included with be added to existing generators. The heat rate and minimum load for proposed technologies can be listed under proposed_gen_heat_rates and proposed_min_load.

NOTE: EIA 860m does not have battery energy capacity (MWh) data for units installed in the current year. The average storage duration used to populate missing data can be set using the parameter energy_storage_duration.

If a user knows of unit retirements that are not listed in EIA 860 or 860m they can be listed under additional_retirements.

Mapping existing and new technologies

The parameter eia_atb_tech_map links existing EIA technology names with ATB (or user) names. It is used when calculating O&M costs, assigning fuels, and assigning fuel startup costs.

New-build generators


NREL's ATB serves as the primary data source for new-build generators. The ATB data year is specified using atb_data_year. ATB has both "Market" and "R&D" financial cases -- specify which one to select with atb_financial_case. The "Market" financial case will generally give higher weighted average cost of capital (WACC) values. To calculate annuities from the ATB capex and WACC, specify the capital recover period length using atb_cap_recovery_years and alt_atb_cap_recovery_years.

Users should select the ATB resources for their model using atb_new_gen. Note that ATB resources have the format , <tech_detail>, <cost_case> (e.g. NaturalGas, CCAvgCF, Moderate). The items in atb_new_gen are a list of these three elements plus the size (MW) of a single plant.

A user can modify one of the ATB resources (in-place) using atb_modifiers. One possible reason would be to modify the capex or O&M costs to represent federal ITC/PTC incentives. Modified copies of ATB resources can also created using modified_atb_new_gen.

NOTE: Modfied versions of ATB resources have their own names that need to be included in other parts of the settings file(s). This will include cost_multiplier_technology_map, eia_atb_tech_map, new_build_startup_costs, and model_tag_values.

ATB doesn't provide a WACC for battery technologies. Users can either provide the name of a different ATB technology to look up a value or a numeric value with the parameter atb_battery_wacc.

Technologies that should not be available in one or more model regions can be specified in new_gen_not_available. Note that it isn't necessary to list wind or solar technologies here -- if they aren't included with a region in renewables_clusters they won't be in the outputs.

User technologies

Users can supply their own cost and performance characteristics for other resources in the file additional_technologies_fn, which should be located in the extra_inputs folder. Only technologies listed in the parameter additional_new_gen will be included in a case.

NOTE: User technologies should have values for each planning year in model_year. The names of user technologies may need to be included in other settings parameters such as cost_multiplier_technology_map, eia_atb_tech_map, new_build_startup_costs, and model_tag_values.

Regional cost variation

PowerGenome uses regional cost multipliers from EIA to adjust ATB and user technology costs in different model regions. Model regions are mapped to EIA NEMS electricity market module (EMM) regions in cost_multiplier_region_map. Technology mappings from EIA's names should be included in cost_multiplier_technology_map. As EIA publishes new reports the regional modifiers may change. cost_multiplier_fn gives the name of a file located in "PowerGenome/data/cost_multipliers" that should be used.

Users can include their own (additional) version of the regional cost multiplier file with other technology names in their extra inputs folder. The name of this file is given with the parameter user_regional_cost_multiplier_fn.

Startup costs

NOTE: If you are using a technology that is not from NREL ATB then you may need to modify new_build_startup_costs

The default fuel and O&M costs associated with generator startup events are from NREL documents and should only be modified if you really think you have better data. The only startup costs parameter that users may need to modify is new_build_startup_costs, which maps new-build technology names to technologies from NREL reports.

Fuel use in startups (mmbtu/MW) by technology is provided in startup_fuel_use. These technologies correspond directly to technologies in the model. Values listed here will be mapped to further technologies using eia_atb_tech_map. Variable O&M and monetary costs are provided in startup_vom_costs_mw and startup_costs_per_cost_start_mw, mapping to technology names in NREL reports. the names provided in these parameters are then mapped to existing and new-build technologies using existing_startup_costs_tech_map and new_build_startup_costs.

The dollar year of startup costs are given in the parameters startup_vom_costs_usd_year and startup_costs_per_cold_start_usd_year.

The parameter startup_costs_type can be used to select something other than cold start costs included in startup_costs_per_cold_start_mw.

Resource tags

Resources can be assigned values in categories (boolean or other values) that are listed under model_tag_names. The default value for these tags is default_model_tag, and values for each technology are assigned in model_tag_values. If tag values vary by region they can be included in regional_tag_values.

This section also included the parameter MinCapReq, which has minimum capacity requirements associated with different technologies.


Fuel prices are either taken from AEO scenarios or provided by the user. The AEO year is given by fuel_eia_aeo_year, and the dollar year of the AEO fuels is given by aeo_fuel_usd_year. The dollar year of AEO prices is usually one year less than the data year (e.g. 2021 dollar year for 2022 data).

AEO fuel prices are collected through the EIA Open Data API. To do this we need to assemble an identifier string using EIA's abbreviations for fuels ("STC", "NG", "DFO", and "U") and scenarios. The PowerGenome parameter eia_series_fuel_names maps the fuel codes to more natural names, and scenario codes are mapped in eia_series_scenario_names. Because the fuel prices aren't linked to the underlying capacity expansion behavior it is probably sufficient to use a few bounding scenarios like reference, high resource, and low resource.

AEO provides fuel price data for Census Divisions, which are mapped to model regions in aeo_fuel_region_map. Users need to make informed choices about the best assignment for their model regions. The parameter eia_series_region_names maps AEO fuel region codes to the names provided in aeo_fuel_region_map.

Fuels are mapped to generating technologies using tech_fuel_map. Further (nested) mappings are performed using eia_atb_tech_map -- an ATB technology that is mapped to the EIA technology listed in tech_fuel_map will also be assigned the same fuel.

NOTE: If you defined a custom grouping of EIA technologies in tech_groups, be sure to assign it a fuel here.

Emission factors for each fuel are listed in fuel_emission_factors.

The parameter carbon_tax implements a simple cost increase in fuels based on their emission factor.

CCS fuels

PowerGenome treats CCS fuels as a version of normal fuels with different emission factors per MMBUT. These fuels are named and mapped by using a non-ccs fuel name followed by an underscore and a unique suffix that identifies the fuel type (e.g. naturalgas_ccs90 could identify a version of natural gas used at facilities that capture 90% of CO2 emissions). The emission factor of normal fuels is modified using the rate specified for each CCS fuel in ccs_capture_rate.

The parameter ccs_disposal_cost can provide a rough disposal cost (USD/tonne) for captured CO2.

User defined fuels

EIA data only includes price projections for coal, natural gas, fuel oil, and uranium. Users can provide their own fuel prices, either globally or by region, using the parameter user_fuel_prices. The dollar year of user fuel prices can be specified in user_fuel_usd_year. Emission factors for user fuels should be included in fuel_emission_factors.


PowerGenome uses historical demand for each IPM region, constructed from either NREL EFS (database table load_curves_nrel_efs) or FERC 714 data (database table load_curves_ferc), as the starting point to calculate future demand. Both use FERC 714 data from 2012 as the primary data source, but the EFS data are already adjusted to a 2019 baseline and have hourly demand separated by sector and subsector. In both cases, demand has been allocated to IPM regions based on population at the county level (public NREL EFS data are provided at the state level and the original FERC 714 data are mapped from utility respondents to counties using EIA-861). IPM regions are mapped to both the current EIA EMM regions (future_load_region_map) and the EMM regions that were used through 2019 (historical_load_region_map).

If load data -- from one of the database tables or provided by the user -- has a baseline year before 2019, the load is inflated through 2019 using the historical_load_region_map EMM regions. The AEO scenario for AEO year load_eia_aeo_year specified in growth_scenario is used to calculate future load growth. Alternative growth rates for individual model regions can be listed under alt_growth_rate. Sector-specific growth rates can be provided for each region, although all sectors listed in the demand data must be included.

Without sectors:

  region_a: 0.02

With sectors:

     residential: 0.02
     commercial: 0.015

If sectors (residential, commercial, industrial, or transportation) are included in the load data (as they are for EFS), AEO growth rates specific to each sector will be used to calculate future demand.

Users can provide their own hourly demand for model regions using regional_load_fn in "extra_inputs". If a user is providing hourly demand for some regions and using PG data for others, they can specify the regions for each source in the regional_load_source parameter.

    USER: [region_a, region_b]
    FERC: [region_c, region_d]

NOTE: All regions must be assigned to a load source in regional_load_source unless you are using the default EFS data. This applies to other database tables or a "USER" supplied CSV file.

The optional parameter load_source_table_name defines the SQL table from which to grab data.

    FERC: load_curves_ferc

The regional_load_source "USER" is associated with data from regional_load_fn.

Distributed generation

Distributed generation can be included if users provide normalized generation profiles for each region in distributed_gen_profiles_fn, a method for scaling the profiles in distributed gen_method, and a numeric scaling value in distributed_gen_values. The scaling methods are either "capacity" (MW) or "fraction_load" (the fraction of total load that is met using distributed generation).

If distributed generation profiles are provided, the boolean parameter dg_as_resource determines if the profiles are subtracted from demand or included as resources with their own generation profiles. The parameter avg_distribution_loss is used to scale up distributed generation when subtracting from demand.

Flexible demand

Flexible loads associated with increased electrification can be included using data from NREL's EFS study (described below) or using user input files. If you are using EFS as your source of hourly load data and include the parameters electrification_stock_fn and electrification_scenario in the settings, PG will remove the flexible load types described below from the baseline load profiles, grow the remaining load segments out to the model year, and then add the total flexible load back in based on the stock values in your electrification scenario.

Electrification scenarios are supplied in two files. EFS_STOCK_AGG.parquet has scenarios from the NREL Electrification Futures Study (EFS). SCENARIO_STOCK.parquet has scenarios from the Princeton Net Zero study. The scenario name will depend on which source you use. Scenario names are:



Princeton Net Zero (SCENARIO_STOCK.parquet)

  • current_policy
  • stated_policy
  • deep_decarbonization
  • moderate_decarbonization

The type of flexible loads that can be included as flexible demand resources (with hourly profiles from NREL EFS data) are:

  • res_space_heat_cool (residential space heating and cooling)
  • res_water_heat (residential water heating)
  • comm_space_heat_cool (commercial space heating and cooling)
  • comm_water_heat (commercial water heating)
  • trans_light_duty (light duty vehicles)
  • trans_medium_duty (medium duty vehicles)
  • trans_heavy_duty (heavy duty vehicles)
  • trans_bus (transit buses)

Time clustering

PowerGenome can reduce the full timeseries of generation and demand profiles to a representative subset. A boolean parameter (reduce_time_domain) turns this functionality on/off. If it is used, the number of periods is determined by time_domain_periods and the number of days (24 hour segments) is specified in time_domain_days_per_period. The boolean parameter include_peak_day forces the peak demand day into one of the periods if it is true. By default, all generation and demand periods are normalized before the clustering selection method. Demand profiles can be given additional weight using the parameter demand_weight_factor. A user might choose this option because some (or many) of the generation profiles used in the clustering method don't exist yet and may not be selected by the model.

Scenario management

The parameter settings_management is a nested dictionary that controls alternate values for all other settings parameters. The first level is integer values corresponding to model planning years and/or the string "all_years". It is possible to define some scenario attributes that apply to all years and others that vary by year. Below the model planning years are the column labels from the scenario_definitions_fn file. The next level can contain different values from each row in the column. Below this are actual settings parameters, which may have multiple nested levels of their own.

NOTE: If a settings parameter is a list or a dictionary with multiple keys you must include all elements of the parameter in settings_management, even ones that do not change. The "value" part of the key:value pair will entirely replace your original parameter value.

For example, consider a scenario definitions file with a column named "solar_cost". The rows of this column have values of "high", "mid", and "low". If the original parameter atb_new_gen looks like this:

  - [NaturalGas, CTAvgCF, Moderate, 100]
  - [LandbasedWind, Class3, Moderate, 1]
  - [OffShoreWind, Class10, Moderate, 1]
  - [UtilityPV, Class1, Moderate, 1]

and your settings_management parameter looks like this:

          - [UtilityPV, Class1, Conservative, 1]
            - [UtilityPV, Class1, Moderate, 1]
            - [UtilityPV, Class1, Advanced, 1]

then "UtilityPV" will be the only ATB resource availible in 2030. To keep all resources and only modify the solar cost case, the settings should look like this:

          - [NaturalGas, CTAvgCF, Moderate, 100]
          - [LandbasedWind, Class3, Moderate, 1]
          - [OffShoreWind, Class10, Moderate, 1]
          - [UtilityPV, Class1, Conservative, 1]
          - [NaturalGas, CTAvgCF, Moderate, 100]
          - [LandbasedWind, Class3, Moderate, 1]
          - [OffShoreWind, Class10, Moderate, 1]
          - [UtilityPV, Class1, Moderate, 1]
          - [NaturalGas, CTAvgCF, Moderate, 100]
          - [LandbasedWind, Class3, Moderate, 1]
          - [OffShoreWind, Class10, Moderate, 1]
          - [UtilityPV, Class1, Advanced, 1]

This can lead to conflicts if you want to modify elements of a single parameter using different columns in your scenario definitions file (e.g. one column has solar cost cases and another has offshore wind cost cases). In this situation you should create a single column that controls ATB cost cases (e.g. "atb_cost") and have options for each permutation of values (e.g. "mid_all", "low_solar", "high_solar_low_offshorewind").

          - [NaturalGas, CTAvgCF, Moderate, 100]
          - [LandbasedWind, Class3, Moderate, 1]
          - [OffShoreWind, Class10, Moderate, 1]
          - [UtilityPV, Class1, Moderate, 1]
          - [NaturalGas, CTAvgCF, Moderate, 100]
          - [LandbasedWind, Class3, Moderate, 1]
          - [OffShoreWind, Class10, Advanced, 1]
          - [UtilityPV, Class1, Conservative, 1]
          - [NaturalGas, CTAvgCF, Moderate, 100]
          - [LandbasedWind, Class3, Moderate, 1]
          - [OffShoreWind, Class10, Moderate, 1]
          - [UtilityPV, Class1, Advanced, 1]

Since the "mid_all" case has the same values as the default parameter it can either be omitted or included in settings_management for completeness.