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add Sept '18 Community Call
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joeyaiello committed Sep 21, 2018
1 parent 6b21b06 commit 3690fc3
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Showing 3 changed files with 335 additions and 0 deletions.
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions CommunityCall/20180920_ChatTranscript.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
Trevor Sullivan 9:31 AM:
What happened to the attendee list in Skype for Business?
Trevor Sullivan 9:32 AM:
Oh there's a different tab now.
Prasoon(kvprasoon) 9:32 AM:
@Trevor ?
Edwin Young 9:32 AM:
all looks ok here
Trevor Sullivan 9:32 AM:
Mac version of S4B changed
Trevor Sullivan 9:33 AM:
AWS Lambda supports PowerShell Core now :)
Friedrich Weinmann 9:33 AM:
The string cmdlet RFC
Joel Bennett 9:34 AM:
working for me
Edin Zbanic 9:34 AM:
Trevor Sullivan 9:34 AM:
Keith Hill 9:34 AM:
Ackerman, Sean 9:34 AM:
Friedrich Weinmann 9:34 AM:
see just fine :)
Friedrich Weinmann 9:35 AM:
Staffan (PowerCode) 9:35 AM:
The RFC is bigger in scope than Join-String
Trevor Sullivan 9:35 AM:
I know there's been some asks about PowerShell Core on Amazon Linux ... is there still a blocker on that?
Ackerman, Sean 9:36 AM:
Anderson, Drew 9:36 AM:
Keith Hill 9:37 AM:
Tyler Leonhardt (POWERSHELL) 9:38 AM:
Ackerman, Sean 9:38 AM:
Darwin Sanoy 9:39 AM: should be able to install on Amazon Linux
Trevor Sullivan 9:39 AM:
Upgrade to 6.1 went smoothly. Also updated the Homebrew for Mac package.
Keith Hill 9:39 AM:
Which list is smaller? Modules that work w/6.1 or those that don't?
Trevor Sullivan 9:39 AM:
Cool, thanks Darwin.
Trevor Sullivan 9:40 AM:
I'm unfortunately not tied in with regular development of PowerShell Core ... do we have any unit tests around chunked HTTP responses? I know this is rather nuanced, but ran into it last night.
Ryan Yates 9:45 AM:
docathons for hacktoberfest???
Steve Lee (POWERSHELL) 9:45 AM:
Tyler Leonhardt (POWERSHELL) 9:46 AM:
Trevor Sullivan 9:46 AM:
Good job, Mark!
Staffan (PowerCode) 9:46 AM:
What! That's silly1
Tyler Leonhardt (POWERSHELL) 9:46 AM:
Mark is the true PowerShell Standard ;)
Staffan (PowerCode) 9:48 AM:
Can we add some templates for help? Or does it already exist?
Staffan (PowerCode) 9:48 AM:
Sure, but I was asked to write the docs for join-string...
Staffan (PowerCode) 9:49 AM:
MaxTrinidad(PSMVP) 9:50 AM:
Out-Gridview alternatives!! :)
Friedrich Weinmann 9:51 AM:
MaxTrinidad(PSMVP) 9:51 AM:
Updated SDK!!
Staffan (PowerCode) 9:52 AM:
Even more promising is looking at derived PSObjects.
Edwin Young 9:54 AM:
If you're going to Ignite 2018 this is a handy primer on the powershell content.
Michael Lombardi 9:54 AM:
Staffan (PowerCode) 9:55 AM:
Can you gauge the quality of all these in some way? Are they tested?
MaxTrinidad(PSMVP) 9:56 AM:
Prasoon(kvprasoon) 9:58 AM:
S 2019 with DSC v1.0, ??, isn't it the same as LCM version ?
if so t should be 2.0
MaxTrinidad(PSMVP) 10:00 AM:
Can it support SQL Server backend on Linux? :P
Joel Bennett 10:00 AM:
Edwin Young 10:01 AM:
you need 1.6.7+ to publish to new gallery
Friedrich Weinmann 10:01 AM:
not really for me
Edwin Young 10:01 AM:
not 2.0.0
Keith Hill 10:02 AM:
Yes, very highly desired feature!
Friedrich Weinmann 10:02 AM:
Been fixing that for years with:
Will not have any impact whatsoever for me :)
Joel Bennett 10:02 AM:
The major feature in 2.0 is that it falls back to user scope installs automatically when run not-elevated
Joel Bennett 10:03 AM:
It's not a HUGE breaking change
Joel Bennett 10:03 AM:
But it's a change.
Joel Bennett 10:03 AM:
In fact, maybe it's not a "breaking" change?
Keith Hill 10:03 AM:
Yeah, the pkgmgnt/psget update process is a bit of a pain.
Brandon Lundt 10:03 AM:
Whatever it would break would be worth it to me.
Prasoon(kvprasoon) 10:04 AM:
Agree with @joel, its not hug, but adds lots of benfit
Joel Bennett 10:04 AM:
The only way it affects CI is if someone is *testing* the fact that it fails?
Ryan Yates 10:04 AM:
Personally I would like to see it in there in a servicing release as ideally I would have liked to see it in the 6.1 release
Darwin Sanoy 10:04 AM:
Any status on an official MS Chocolatey feed?
Keith Hill 10:04 AM:
If admin I thought it used global scope?
Keith Hill 10:05 AM:
Ah, perhaps that was on Windows PS.
Joel Bennett 10:06 AM:
Yeah, Keith, that's what I thought ;-)
Staffan (PowerCode) 10:06 AM:
Related: will Install-Module be fixed? So that -Force will work without the -SkipPublisher -AllowClobber -AcceptLicense -AllowPrerelease madness?
Ryan Yates 10:06 AM:
but it needs to be in an Admin shell no
Joey Aiello 10:07 AM:
@Ryan: yes
Joel Bennett 10:07 AM:
@Staffan: not really
Darwin Sanoy 10:07 AM:
How about a new switch "-JustDoItDammit"
Ryan Yates 10:07 AM:
No more switches like ^^
Brandon Lundt 10:07 AM:
-SrslyYesPlease ?
Keith Hill 10:08 AM:
How about a "-DoItDamnIt" param?
Ryan Yates 10:08 AM:
No more switches like ^^ please
Staffan (PowerCode) 10:08 AM:
-Force should, according do JS, mean 'Just F*$#ing do it'
Joel Bennett 10:09 AM:
To note taker, correction: "in PS Core it defaults to `CurrentUser` irrespective of whether you're ELEVATED"
Keith Hill 10:09 AM:
At the very least, it should exclude the clobber warnings on installing/updating the built-in pckgmngt/psget modules.
Joey Aiello 10:09 AM:
@Keith: THAT we can fix. we need to ship hardcoded PSGet manifests in the "inbox" modules for PS Core
Keith Hill 10:10 AM:
MaxTrinidad(PSMVP) 10:10 AM:
Friedrich Weinmann 10:10 AM:
I use -Force -SkipPublisherCheck on each dependency install on Azure DevOps. Always.
Keith Hill 10:11 AM:
You want it to behave more like npm install?
MaxTrinidad(PSMVP) 10:11 AM:
It creates dups modules. Update doesn't work.
Ryan Yates 10:11 AM:
it *SHOULD* if the dependency chain is correctly understood in the module manifest
Ryan Yates 10:12 AM:
but in PSGet its isnt
Keith Hill 10:12 AM:
Oh but without the constant (npm) pkg cache corruption issues :-)
Friedrich Weinmann 10:12 AM:
'-Ensure'? I want 'Ensure' as approved Verb ;)
Felix Becker 10:12 AM:
Question: Does PowerShellGet support dependencies? I.e. can I declare dependencies on other modules in a module manifest, and have powershellget install them all?
Ryan Yates 10:12 AM:
@felix look at AzureRM module
Edwin Young 10:12 AM:
@felix, yes\
Ryan Yates 10:12 AM:
that shows dependancies
Ryan Yates 10:13 AM:
but one problem is downloading AzureRM.Profile for each dependant module in the chain of AzureRM module
Ryan Yates 10:14 AM:
or did when I looked into this ages ago
Staffan (PowerCode) 10:14 AM:
I use that a lot, but it breaks down if different module need different versions of a dependent module.
Friedrich Weinmann 10:14 AM:
RequiredVersion is a pest
Edwin Young 10:14 AM:
@ryan, we should only download a dependency once
Joey Aiello 10:14 AM:
@Staffan: ^ that's what I was trying to say, just can't articulate the specifics
Felix Becker 10:16 AM:
I’m spoiled by node/npm
Ryan Yates 10:16 AM:
Why a new repo?
Tyler Leonhardt (POWERSHELL) 10:16 AM:
node/npm has a nice hybrid model of local & global dependencies/modules/utilities
Ryan Yates 10:17 AM:
Is this for the choco package of pscore on the community feed? or wider that just PSCore
Joel Bennett 10:17 AM:
@Staffan: yeah, so Install-Module fail in that instance, but Import-Module might not (if it's not a binary module)? Guess that dependencies need to be handled with -Force 😣
Darwin Sanoy 10:18 AM:
Will source install binaries always be embedded in Microsoft Chocolatey packages?
Darwin Sanoy 10:18 AM:
That would rock for curation.
Ryan Yates 10:18 AM:
That makes more sense. I think that was what I was missing elsewhere
Darwin Sanoy 10:18 AM:
I've chocolatey packages SQL server - so size isn't a challenge.
Staffan (PowerCode) 10:20 AM:
For the Join-String cmdlet, I think the only outstanding issue is whether it should support wildcards on properties to join.
get-childitem | Join-String *Time*

I haven't implemented it yet, as I’m not convinced of the usefulness of it. It adds complexity and I’m not convinced it is worth it.

Is it valuable? If so when?
Seems like it would need a different delimiter between properties (as opposed to between records)
Ryan Yates 10:20 AM:
That makes more sense. I think that was what I was missing elsewhere and would do you think it likely would include things like VSCode VSEnterprise installers etc?
Joey Aiello 10:21 AM:
@Ryan: that's the idea, yes, but it's unclear as to whether it's feasible yet
Friedrich Weinmann 10:23 AM:
a pleasure
Staffan (PowerCode) 10:24 AM:
I was thinking conceptual complexity more than implementation
Darwin Sanoy 10:24 AM:
FYI - unless it has been fixed, chocolatey packages that wrap .MSU's can't run over remoting. FYI - .NET runtime EXE installers do this.
Darwin Sanoy 10:24 AM:
It is an .MSU over remoting problem - not chocolatey
Felix Becker 10:26 AM:
If I have a question, can I just take over audio?
Joey Aiello 10:27 AM:
stevel-msft and travisez123
Prasoon(kvprasoon) 10:29 AM:
There are a bunch of Resolution-Duplicate issues to be closed.
Prasoon(kvprasoon) 10:30 AM:
basically Resolution-* issues
Ryan Yates 10:31 AM:
RE stalebot
Tyler Leonhardt (POWERSHELL) 10:31 AM:
+1 :)
Ackerman, Sean 10:31 AM:
yeah have a whole team going
Friedrich Weinmann 10:31 AM:
Joey Aiello 10:31 AM:
Prasoon(kvprasoon) 10:32 AM:
not f0r ignite,
any for ?
Ryan Yates 10:32 AM:
I'm not really a fan on it as it can hide long running issues like 1979
Friedrich Weinmann 10:32 AM:
Will be at PSConfAsia
Ryan Yates 10:32 AM:
Issue 1979 that is
MaxTrinidad(PSMVP) 10:32 AM:
Woohoo! Me
Prasoon(kvprasoon) 10:33 AM:
$Thankyou all !!!!
MaxTrinidad(PSMVP) 10:33 AM:
Thanks Everyone!! Bye!!
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions CommunityCall/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# PowerShell Core Community Call - September 20, 2018

## Agenda

* PowerShell Core 6.1 GA
* what's landing in October 2018 Update / Server 2019
* missing list of modules
* fundamentals/quality work in 6.2
* will continue triaging community PR
* experimental flags
* process for adding/removing them?
* inactivity?
* DSC roadmap blog
* string cmdlet RFC

## Notes

* PowerShell Core 6.1 GA
* [link to blogpost](
* 70% of cmdlets, ~65% of modules
* The preview train that `6.1.0-rc` is on will be updated to `6.2.0-preview.1` when it is released
* PowerShell Core 6.2 GA
* quality/fundamentals milestone
* focus is on release automation
* engineering team will backfill documentation
* going forward, PRs will require documentation to merge
* engineering will help out as much as possible, but community contributions are highly appreciated
* [help contribute!](
* [contribute to PowerShell-Docs too!](
* experimental feature flags
* need to define a criteria for accepting and expiring/deprecating experimental features
* [DSC roadmap blog](
* 1300+ DSC resources in the PS Gallery
* minor overlap due to phasing out of `xFoo` naming terminology
* lots of these coming from independent repos in the community
* "new DSC v2 platform"
* being used in Azure services
* slipped summer ETA for open sourcing this code
* no new ETA today, keep your eyes peeled
* Server 2019 DSC "v1" new features
* pull server supports SQL server as a backend
* can also tune Esent database perf
* first security update for DSC
* issues with temp configuration files
* how to gauge the quality of DSC resources
* base set of tests that get added to every community repo, including a badge for compliance
* Michael to look for Server 2019 LCM version
* PowerShellGet 2.0 in PS Core 6.1.1?
* in PS Core, it defaults to `CurrentUser` irrespective of whether you're elevated
* technically a breaking change, may not make sense to ship in a servicing release
* `-SkipPublisher -AllowClobber -AcceptLicense -AllowPrerelease` madness?
* we would like to do *something* about this, but we're not exactly sure *what* to do or *when*
* `-Force` is reinstalling when it doesn't need to
* would be awesome to support basic `PSDepends` functionality in PowerShellGet
* module manifest dependency chains break down with too many levels of depth, too many specific versions, and duplicate modules already installed on the box (w/ the wrong version)
* specifying a PSRepository should possibly implicitly trust the repo
* Chocolatey discussion
* Microsoft-official Chocolatey repo for Microsoft applications is still just a brainstorm idea
* no plans to implement right now
* explicit credentials are required for MSU installation over remoting
* string cmdlet RFC
* set of cmdlets that would replace a lot of the string operators
* PS Committee/Team will prioritize a cmdlet review and provide feedback back to Friedrich to help get this included in PS Core 6.2
* look into `Join-String` conflict
* should ensure going forward that we mark bugs as `Issue-Bug`
* e.g.
* look through `Resolution-*` (especially `Resolution-Duplicate` and close old ones)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions CommunityCall/
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## Notes

* [September 20, 2018](./ ([YouTube recording]( and [transcript](20180920_ChatTranscript.txt))
* [August 16, 2018](./ ([YouTube recording]( and [transcript](20180816_ChatTranscript.txt))
* [July 19, 2018](./ ([YouTube recording]( and [transcript](20180719_ChatTranscript.txt))
* June 21, 2018 ([YouTube recording]( and [transcript](20180621_ChatTranscript.txt))
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