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Knockout.js DirtyFlag

Basic Usage

To use this dirtyFlag implementation, do the following:

Simplest mode: in your ViewModel use the extender to track dirty on an observable:

var vm = function() { = ko.observable("").extend({dirtyFlag:{}});
  return this;

Then in your HTML:

  <div class="form-group" data-bind="css:{'has-error':firstname.isDirty}">
     <label>First name:</label>
    <input data-bind="value:firstname" />

The extender adds the isDirty property to your property. This will add the has-error class to the form-group when the field is dirty.

Advanced Usage

Advanced mode: Just as before, but instead of initializing dirtyFlag with an empty string, provide a key property in the options. The key property works by convention, allowing you to organize a hierarchy of items that are tracked, and can be presented in a logical way to match your the visualization of your page.

var vm = function() {
  this.pageDirty = new dirtyFlag2("PAGE");
  this.contactDirty = new dirtyFlag2("PAGE:CONTACT");
  this.firstName = ko.observable("").extend({dirtyFlag:{key:"PAGE:CONTACT:FIRST"}});
  this.lastName = ko.observable("").extend({dirtyFlag:{key:"PAGE:CONTACT:LAST"}});
  return this;

Then in your HTML:

<button type="button" data-bind="enabled:pageDirty.isDirty()">Save your Changes</button>
<span class="text-danger" data-bind="visible:contactDirty.isDirty()">You must enter a full name!</span>
<div class="form-group" data-bind="css:{'has-error':firstname.isDirty}">
    <label>First name:</label>
    <input data-bind="value:firstname" />
<div class="form-group" data-bind="css:{'has-error':lastname.isDirty}">
    <label>Last name:</label>
    <input data-bind="value:lastname" />

The extenders map to the dirtyFlags which have the same starting key values. So PAGE is monitoring all values that begin with PAGE, and PAGE:CONTACT only monitors the items that begin under that. This provides the ability to highlight any logical group of changes within the page.


To reset the dirty state of your page, just call reset(); on any dirtyFlag2 implementation. It will immediately set the state to clean of all items extended which begin with the key.

var vm = function() {
  this.pageDirty = new dirtyFlag2("PAGE");
  this.contactDirty = new dirtyFlag2("PAGE:CONTACT");
  // or just the contact part

Advanced Resetting

In advanced scenarios, you can reset individual fields as well. This can be done by calling reset and providing the key of the field you'd like to reset.

var vm = function() {
  this.pageDirty = new dirtyFlag2("PAGE");
  this.contactDirty = new dirtyFlag2("PAGE:CONTACT");
  this.firstName = ko.observable("").extend({dirtyFlag:{key:"PAGE:CONTACT:FIRST"}});
  this.lastName = ko.observable("").extend({dirtyFlag:{key:"PAGE:CONTACT:LAST"}});

Non-Clean Resetting

Another advanced scanrio that is supported, you can reset the value to a new clean Value, that is not necessarily the current value. This requires that you pass the new clean value as the second parameter to the reset function.

var vm = function() {
  this.pageDirty = new dirtyFlag2("PAGE");
  this.contactDirty = new dirtyFlag2("PAGE:CONTACT");
  this.firstName = ko.observable("").extend({dirtyFlag:{key:"PAGE:CONTACT:FIRST"}});
  this.lastName = ko.observable("").extend({dirtyFlag:{key:"PAGE:CONTACT:LAST"}});
  this.contactDirty.reset("PAGE:CONTACT:LAST", "Smith");


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