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streetWear is an minimal and aesthetic website which sell men & women cloth wear with affordable price with good quality

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E-commerce Website -

streetWear is an minimal and aesthetic website developed by using nextjs of react framework, which sell clothing products for both men & women with affordable price with good quality one can easily place an order with out login or creating an account. User can also check if the product is deliverable to his/her address which makes the user experiance better!

Technologies used

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. nextjs => reactjs framework
  5. Tailwind CSS
  6. MongoDb
  7. AWS bucket for storing images
  8. JWT,Crypto-js => user authentication
  9. emailjs => email authentication
  10. material ui & react-icons

Public commits

One can make commits to this repo as i'm still working on it and ready to collab and scale the website!



To deploy this project run

  yarn run deploy


To run this project in development mode

yarn run dev

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

MONGO_URI = mongodb://localhost:27017/streetWear NEXT_PUBLIC_HOST = http://localhost:3000 NEXT_PUBLIC_HOST_ADMIN = http://localhost:3000/admin NEXT_PUBLIC_PAYTM_HOST = your paytm host NEXT_PUBLIC_PAYTM_MID = your paytm mid PAYTM_MKEY = your paytm mkey AES_SECRET_KEY = your AES sceret key JWT_SECRET_KEY = your JWT secret key

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = your AWS access key id AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = your AWS sceret access key AWS_BUCKET = your S3 bucket name

SERVICE_ID = emailjs service id TEMPLATE_ID = emailjs template id EMAIL_JS_USERID = emailjs user id MAIL = emailjs mail id PASSWORD = emailjs pwd

🚀 Breif of me

I'm a avid frontEnd developer with minimal skills and eager to develop and contribute to the community, can ready to collab and contribute to open source. need some mentoring who can guide me to the proper way in devleoping world...



streetWear is an minimal and aesthetic website which sell men & women cloth wear with affordable price with good quality






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